Away From Here

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Kelsie trudged back inside, her mind overflowing with questions. 'Who was that man?' , 'Why did he help me?' , 'Should I be concerned?' This was all Kelsie thought about over the next hour or so.

Around 7.30 that night, while Kelsie's father was at the pub, her mother knocked on Kelsie's door before letting herself in. "Mom, I told you not to bust in on me like that. I hate it!" Kelsie snapped.

"Kelsie," her mother replied coolly, "I didn't 'bust in' on you, I knocked. And anyway, I came to ask you, have told Marie that your...moving?"

Marie had been Kelsie's best friend since she had moved to San Di ago

Kelsie bristled. "No, Mom, I have not told Marie that I am moving," she said, harshly, before softening slightly, "I...I'm going to tell her just before we leave so that... so that it will be... easier for both of us," Kelsie stumbled over her words because she wanted to prove to her parents that she could be strong and not burst into tears every bloody time she wanted to, because her parents (meaning her father mostly) had always seen her as weak and they didn't keep it a secret.

"Well," Kelsie's mother sighed, getting up from where she had settled herself on Kelsie's bed, "Whatever you think is..." the front door opened and then closed, unwillingly, with a bang. Kelsie's father was home.

"Stay in here Kels. Don't come out 'till morning, understand," ordered Kelsie's mother. "Understand!"

"Yeah Mom, I know," Kelsie mumbled back.

Her father was drunk, again.

Her mother left so Kelsie lay down and slept.


It was leaving day. School dragged. Lunch dragged. Time dragged. Kelsie dragged. The time had come to tell Marie.

"Mare, wait up!" Kelsie called down the corridor.

"Hey Cow, how was physics?" Marie jokingly replied, running up to Kelsie.

"Fine, thanks. Hey, um, you got a mo?"

"Sure Kels, hey, you ok?" Marie questioned.

"I'm... fine, sit," Kelsie said as they reached a bench in the field. Kelsie took a breath. "I'm leaving, leaving... for... forever," Kelsie managed to gabble out.

"Forever," Marie screamed. "Why?"

"Shhhhh," Kelsie soothed. "You know why," Marie was the only person Kelsie had told about her... parents.

"Oh," Marie breathed out. "Oh... um... where to?"

"I... you know, I don't know" Kelsie replied, stuck.

"So...," said Marie stiffly. "You come and tell me your moving, which breaks my heart, and then... no address. Humph. Well, call me as soon as you know," and she walked off, before bursting into tears.

I know. The lengths of the paragraphs are so different but still short. Will get better, I promise but please... BARE WITH!!!!! First story here!

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