Manager I ( Zustin )

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Zayn Malik. - 30
Justin Bieber -18

Justin is a bubbly teenage singer who is loved and cared by his family and crew. He's the baby in the crew as well as in the family because he's the youngest and only child.

Zayn Malik is the strict and smart manager of the singer and he gets annoyed so easily. He treats Justin like a baby and puts so many rules on him. People think he does it because he needs to keep the kid level headed and under his control but deep down he's scared of the kid's future. He's scared that he won't be able to keep the kid as the innocent little boy he once dragged into this hell they call music industry.

But today he's not in a good mood to mess around with because he just talked to the management and they want to make the kid act in a movie involving drugs alcohol and sex. They literally want to make the kid do a scene where he actually have sex with a man who's twice his age.

One, it's illegal, because fuck, the kid is a minor , not just a minor, he's a baby.

Two, he's a virgin , virginity is something that you wouldn't want to lose just for a fucking movie! Even though they think it'll gain the public attention. 'Justin Bieber loses his virginity for the movie' who wouldn't watch it? Even the haters will.

Three , Zayn doesn't want Justin anywhere near the drugs and alcohol. Justin's fandom is young people who's around the same age as Justin and teenagers love to follow their idols. Even Justin, he's still a teenager who needs to be shown the right path. Letting him act in such a movie means pointing him the wrong path to go.

Zayn was furious with his management and he refused to even look at the contracts before he ripped it into pieces. He's not a fool, the management can't control him because he's never signed up for anything like that but they might be able to do something to get Justin to act in that movie.

" Justin, put that phone away, you're not going to eat any pizza tonight. You know the drill?! You eat veggies and fruits Sunday and Monday, seafood Tuesday, meat food Wednesday, dairy products Thursday, a mixed food Friday and last but not least, junk food Saturday. " Alison explains the kid who's holding the phone to his ear.

He always gets away from his diet plans, specifically when Zayn's not around or he's in a good mood, which is rare.

Only if he knows that Zayn is standing on the top of the staircase and watching with a clenched jaw.

" But it's Friday and I can order a pizza with all of them in it so it's a mixed food!" Justin whines, pouting at Ali.

They planned his diet because he gets sick too often and the doctor said that a diet plan would help. Specifically since Justin's underweight for his age.

" No baby, it's junk food" Alison argued. Ryan and Dan are sitting on the couch, either watching TV or playing on the phone.

" Shut it Justin! I can't hear anything my girlfriend says!" Ryan scoffed, annoyance evident in his voice.

" NOOOO! NOT UNTIL I GET TO EAT WHAT I WANT! " Justin screams, jumping on Ryan and hitting his chest, pouting. " Please Ry! This will be between the four of us. Zayn wouldn't find out! I promise to finish the pizza before he comes!"

" It's not about Zayn finding out, kiddo, it's about your health. Remember what the doctor said?!" Dan sighed, turning the TV off since there's no point in watching it not hearing anything because of Justin's screaming.

" Am not a kid and I want to eat anything I want because every teenager does! Fuck you guys! I ordered pizza and I will eat it!"

" Language, Mr!" Alison warns, putting on her eyeliner but gasps when she sees Zayn at the top of the staircase, glaring at the boy.

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