Part 6 - The Complication of things

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Nash's POV: 

Kendall's been missing for 3 days now. It worries me to say this, but she could very well be gone. If they don't feed her or giver her anything to drink, she couldn't possible survive 3 days. What bothers me most is I've been on the hunt for her for the past 3 days, and I'm no where near finding her. I thought I had a lead when I said Leanne and I only had 2 days to find Kendall, but we're a day late now. The letter no longer makes sense to me,

In 16 days you will be mine

It's been 17 days since and for all I know, yesterday was the last day Kendall saw daylight. Her death is the farthest thing from my mind, right now, I need to focus on the clues I have to see if they give me a lead. I went to the police and explained the men who came up to me, once with Kendall, and once by myself. They are all I've got, but the police didn't seem too concerned. I told the police he took her, but they won't believe me unless I have proof. It's impossible to prove it, but I know for a fact it's him. It also doesn't help that I don't have pictures of what the two men look like. Besides, they are good. They know how to work around police. They aren't dumb to get busted by the police. 

I tried to connect Kendall's brother, Bobby with why she's missing, but they told me they already put that into consideration. It frustrates me because to the police she's just another missing girl, but to me she's everything. So, I have to do this without the police's help. 

 "Nash, I think i've got something!" I hear Leanne call from the other room. I bolt up from the desk where I practically live at now, and head to her direction. "What is it? What did you find?" I ask eagerly. "I was looking at the letter you got in the mail, then I was looking at the time Kendal and Bobby went missing. Look at this." She says pointing to the paper. "It's not a strong lead, but when I was looking at stuff in the paper about Kendall and Bobby, I noticed the date he escaped is the same date that Kendall and Bobby went missing 3 years ago." I nod my head processing everything. "Do you think maybe that's a coinsidence?" I say. "When is anything he does a coinsidence? We know he's powerful enough to escape prison whenever, so why did he wait until exactly 3 years he stole Bobby and Kendall from me?" She says as if I'm supposed to fill in the blanks. "Because it took him 3 years to plan his next move with Kendall?" I suggest and Leanne nods agreeing. "Exactly. And we know he wanted revenge on Kendall when she didn't die. When the police caught him before he could get to her he had to make a plan to get revenge." She says trying to put the pieces together. "So the letter you got in the mail wasn't for you!" She shouts. "It was for Kendall the whole time, he never wanted you Nash, he always wanted Kendall." 

You will be mine in 16 days 

The words still sting as I read them. If I didn't assume it was some dumb kids, we may not even be in this mess. Kendall was always alert. If I had shown her this, she would of figured it out immediately and we could of called the police. Now that we know he's been planning this for 3 years, we know the fight wont end without the police. The police that aren't investigating. The police who wont believe what Leanne and I are saying. The police who are basically useless.

But, I am happy. I am happy because I have a lead I never had before. I am just this much closer to catching that son of a bitch who ruined Kendall's life. 

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