Chapter 1

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Dawn's light crept through the window, speckles of sunlight casting themselves through the hazy green glass into the bronze-encased pool Seye knelt before. The alter's water was cold against her skin as she dipped her fingers gingerly into the water, wearily scanning the horizon. "Halla's light be gracious-"

"Princess Seye?" a shrill, female voice cried from outside the heavy set doors. She jumped at the sounds, jolting and dunking her freshly-washed coat sleeves into the water. She groaned.

"What do you want?" she grumbled, the dense, wet fabric heavy on her arms. She leaned her head back, her long black braid falling over her shoulder and sweeping against her lower back.

Shuffling against the door could be heard. "O-oh, well, the new minister has arrived and your father would like for you to greet them at the inner gate." A brief silence. "I-I do apologize if I am interrupting your prayer, highness."

Seye stretched her arms upward and sighed. This was fine. 

Her boots landed with a satisfying click as she hopped from the highest step down onto the flat, gray floor. She wiped her damp hands on her clean black slacks and shook off as much of the moisture as she could during her few lazy steps to the door. She yawned and leaned into the cold stone, pushing it open with a sore shoulder and revealing a rather frazzled Helta, the King's most recent selection of Seye's rotation of handmaidens.

"Oh, my, are you feeling quite well, highness?" she crooned, her long, Northern nose curving down as she inspected Seye through thinly framed spectacles. Her plump cheeks shone red through her pale skin, her brown hair streaked with delicate strands of gray.

She brushed it off. "It's fine." She threw her shoulders back and began her march down the narrow corridor.

"Have you been staying out late in the training grounds again, highness?" Seye paused and threw a disapproving look over her shoulder. The plump woman shrugged, wiping her hands on her frock with a smile. "I won't tell your father if you don't," she said with a wink. 

Seye offered the slightest of smiles.

Her knee high boots carried her down the hall, a jingle from the fine silver buckles with every step. She swerved through the familiar halls without a second thought, right, left, down one staircase, up another, and down again... falling into a mindless pattern.

Sauntering down the main hall's gargantuan set of marble steps, Seye caught sight of her parents and brother standing outside beyond the green paned glass, circled in the courtyard with several guards in their crisp, emerald green uniforms flanking either side.

A quaint carriage drawn by two black horses trotted through the inner gate, the towering stone slowly pulling shut behind them as they neared the royal family.

Seye slipped through the glass doors, letting it slam behind her as she trotted down yet another set of marble steps.

The guards on either side of the front doors reared their heads to watch her go.

"You're gonna break that door someday, highness," the guard on the left called, just barely loud enough for her to hear. She scoffed, not even having to spare a look to know exactly what guard would have the guts to toss the Princess of Ecos that comment.

"Yeah, over your head, Avares," she called over her shoulder. Just loud enough to earn the attention of her brooding brother on the cobblestone walkway.

She jogged the last few yards to stand by her brothers side. The Queen turned to her with a disappointed look, her hands clasped to the silk fabric that rested just off the crest of her shoulders. Her black hair was pulled into a tight bun other than a few loose strands, and her plump lips were painted a soft rose red, making her round face pale in comparison. Seye shrugged, and the Queen turned around without a word. The King made no move to acknowledge her presence. Although that wasn't much of a surprise.

Leif chuckled. Seye shot him a glare. "Just what do you think you're laughing at?"

With a delicate hand, Leif flicked long, silky black hair over his sharp shoulder, and looked down at her with his slim, disapproving eyes, a scowl forming on his narrow chin.

"If you'd stop fraternizing with the guardsmen, maybe you'd show up on time, and Father wouldn't have to ignore you."

Seye clenched her teeth, grabbing for Leif's arm and digging into the fabric with her nails in an effort to pinch skin.

He hissed at the sudden pain, smacking her hand away as the carriage made its stop at the end of the road.

The footman, also dressed in a pressed green uniform, clambered down from his perch and quickly found his way to the door. With a beefy hand on the bronze knob, he flung the door open. A man emerged. Tall and thin to the point of looking on the wobbly side, the man extended to his full height and stepped out of the carriage. The early sun's light illuminated his receding strawberry blonde hair and the deep wrinkles etched into his forehead.

"Good morning, all!" he announced, wiping his hands on his faintly bronze-colored coat, "Your majesty, I'm so honored you'd have me back for the annual conference,." He bowed deeply before the King, looking up at him in fascination. "And the royal wedding," he added, giving a polite nod in Leif's direction.
"It is a pleasure to have you back, Minister Bexell," the King pardoned, his voice a deep hum as he gave the man a shallow bow in return. "Have you brought your wife with you, Minister?"

He knit his pale brows together and the lines on his forehead creased deeper. "Well, no, she was unfit to travel, you see, but my son... Reuben?"

A second figure emerged from the carriage. A boy, around Seye's age, from the looks of it, stepped from the carriage, his eyes pointed towards the ground, darting between his shoes and the cobblestone ahead as he shuffled to his father's side. His dark blonde, nearly brown hair was layered with highlights of gold. It was shaggy, but well-enough kept, and his brows were dark, his gaunt cheekbones casting shadows over his face as he bowed towards the King. "An honor to meet you, your Majesty," he mumbled, barely loud enough for Seye to hear.

She craned her neck to get a better look at him, but Leif nudged her in the ribs before she got very far.

"This is my youngest, Reuben Bexell. He's a fine archer! He'd like to join the guard if he might," the minister explained.

The King simply nodded. "It would be our pleasure to accommodate him."

The minister placed a pale, knobby hand on his son's shoulder as he straightened himself. Seye squinted as she inspected the boy's cross features. He caught her eye for just a moment and tensed. She scanned his thin form and raised a brow. He didn't look much like an archer to her. Sure, she wasn't much of one either, but she certainly had enough muscle in her finger alone to knock him over.

"Let us not keep you any longer," the King announced. "Come now, I will have the guards show you to your new quarters, Minister. 

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