Chapter 1

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My name is Marinette and I have 2 huge secrets. The first is that I'm the superhero Ladybug my parents do know but it's only because they recognized me when they saw the footage from my first battle. My second secret is something that only my parents know and that's the fact that I was born with the ability to talk to animals. I hate lying to all my friends and Chat Noir about my secrets but if they knew that I'm Ladybug they would be in a lot of danger. If they knew that I can talk to animals they would probably think that I'm a freak.

"Girl are you even listening?" Alya asked bringing me out of my thoughts as we reached the school. Suddenly there was a loud crash and I was suddenly grabbed by a very large gorilla with a young man who looked to be about my age riding on it's back. The young man leaped off of the gorilla's back and made his way to the zoo.

"Let me go! Please just let me go!" I said to the ape.

'Sorry miss but I cannot.' Is what I heard all my friends just heard monkey noises.

"Why can't you let me go?" I asked him gently.

'Master has given very specific instructions- do not let the girl go and Congo gets freedom- Congo want to be free!' Is what I heard from Congo but just like before all my friends heard were monkey noises. Luckily they can't tell that I'm actually able to understand Congo and communicate with him, I hope.

Time skip to after the battle

"Girl why did that gorilla grab you when it could have grabbed anyone?" Alya asked me.

"The akuma victim was a boy in another class who just transferred from America where he had gone to school with my twin sister who he had a crush on and he mistook me for her." I said.

"You have a twin sister why did you say that you were an only child then?" Alya asked.

"I said that I was the only child in my house you mistook that to mean that I'm an only child." I said.

"When can I meet her?" Alya asked.

"Well school was cancelled due to the attack happening so close to the school and a student being caught up in the middle of the attack. So I was actually about to video call her as she's coming back to Paris today so I'd like to introduce her to you Nino and Adrien later today or maybe tomorrow depending on how tired she is." I said.

"Can you show me a picture of her?" Alya asked.

"Sure now I don't have any pictures of us together so I'll show you one of her then an older one of me." I said pulling up the pictures.

"Is that you or your sister?" Alya asked

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"Is that you or your sister?" Alya asked.

"That's Bridgette this next photo is me." I replied.

"That's me from a couple years before we met this was actually taken on my 12th birthday!" I said

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"That's me from a couple years before we met this was actually taken on my 12th birthday!" I said.

"Omg girl you look so cute in this picture. Do you still have that dress?" Alya questioned me.

"Yes I still have the dress how about I wear it to school tomorrow alright." I replied.

"Marinette I missed you!" I heard a voice shout at me.

"Bridgette you're here already! Let me guess you didn't go home before you came to see me did you." I said. She just rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly.

"Alya this is Bridgette, Bridgette this is Alya." I introduced them. Then I saw the boys coming out of the school.

"Hey girls who is this?" Adrien asked.

"Hi I'm Bridgette Marinette's sister!" Bridgette introduced herself. I noticed that the boys both had these bug eyed stares and their jaws dropped in disbelief. This has been such an interesting day so far.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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