Chap. 1

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     I get into my silver, blingy dress and silver flats that my mom bought me. I look over towards my brother and see him already dressed for the reaping. It's not like he's going to get reaped. He's only 9! While I'm 12 and can easily get my name pulled.

     I step out the house and breath in the some what polluted air. My brother, older sister, mom and dad step out the house.

     "Ready, Angel?" Royalty--my older sister-- asks, putting her arms around my shoulders.

     I shrug. I already know I'm not going to get reaped anyways, so what's the point of all the training I did?

     We all start walking to the square and on the way there, my bestie, Sarah, runs--I mean, fast walks-- up to me. "Angel! I hope we don't get reaped! I mean, if one of us did, we wouldn't have to kill each other, right? I should stop talking now. . ."

     I roll my eyes playfully and smile slightly. I would hate if that happened. I wouldn't want to kill my best friend! Who would?

     When we reach the square I hug my parents goodbye, for now, including Royalty and Benjamin. Royalty goes off to line up with the other 16 year olds and me and Sarah line up with the other 12 year olds. We waited, waiting for the reaping to start.

     My heart started racing fast when Mayor walked on stage. Why am I so nervous? I can't be picked, can I? What happens if I do? I try to think back to those times when I watched the Games. Nope. Nada. Ugh! How could I forget?

     After the Mayor and the old tribute speaks, Trinity Wesley comes up for the reaping. My heart beats faster. Just breathe. Everything is going to be fine. I try breathing deeply. Nope. Why isn't it working?! Does life hate me now or something??

     "For the girls it will be. . ." She puts her hand in the bowl with all the girl names and pulls one out. "Libby Mendoza!" Yep. Life hates me.

     My heart drops. It's like the world all of a sudden gets slower and distant. What? No. It can't be me. There has to be another Libby Mendoza, right?  No one moves. "No," I whisper. But Trinity saying my name makes me move forward. Forward but slowly. It's dead silent. I see my mom, dad, and Benjamin looking at me scared and worried. Same goes for Royalty. I make my way up the stage.

     "Libby Mendoza?" Trinity asks.

     "Yes," I say quietly.

     "Stand here," she says pointing to the spot next to her and I stand there. She puts her hand in the other bowl and pulls out a name. "Cesar Jackel!"

     Of course it had to be the strongest guy here! Well, not strongest but he's still strong! And he's older then me by six years! I don't stand a chance against this guy. There no way. Might as well surrender now then later.

     I don't listen as Trinity speaks. Why should I? I'm scared for life! I lock my eyes on Royalty and plead her for help. I can tell she's saying sorry. Before I know it Trinity is leading us somewhere else. Where are going? Are we going to the Capitol? Do we get to say goodbye to our family and friends? Ack! I'm so nervous! Actually I'm scared! Why am I talking to myself? Hi, self! How are you doing? Just terrible thank you, and you? Same! That's nice!

     She leads us into separate too many and a few moments later my parents come in. "Mom! Dad!" I say and hug them. "Please don't let them take me."

     "I'm sorry, sweetheart," Mom says gently. "We tried everything but they didn't budge."

     "But I don't want to go! What if I die? That's practically murder!" I say, no longer to control my emotions.

     "Shhh!" Dad shuses me. Who does he think he is shushing me?? I can talk about the Capitol all I want, Dad! Post up! "You can't say that about the Capitol."

     I open my mouth to say something but know that will just get me in hot water so I close it.

     A man comes in to tell my parents their time is up. I hug them and watch them go, sitting back on the couch when Royalty and Benjamin come in. The first thing they do is hug me.

     "Do you have to go?" Benjamin asks.

     "I'm afraid I do, buddy." I reply gently.

     Royalty hugged me. "I should have stopped you from going on that stage. I'm so sorry."

     "It's not your fault. Besides, this could be the first time I get to see the Capitol." I say, trying to sugar coat things.

     The room fell silent. Royalty sighed. "When your in the Arena, make sure you get everything you need. Water, food, a bag, weapons--"

     "Weapons?" I echo. "Why would I need weapons?"

     "To defend yourself obviously," Royalty says.

     "But I don't want to kill anyone. . ."

     "And you'll have to if you want to live. That's the whole part of the Games. Your good with knives and daggers, aren't you? Use those and you'll be fine."

     I nod after a while. "Okay."

     The same guy comes in to escort my siblings out. They hug me again and say goodbye one last time. Royalty takes off her necklace and hooks it around my neck. "So you have something to remember us."

     And with that their gone.


Hayo! Sorry if I did something wrong...I'm new to the Fandom....

What do you guys think so far???

Will Libby *cough* me *cough* make it through the Games???

The only reason why I put Angel was bc my friends at school call me that. :3

Oh, and I can't talk irl but that doesn't mean I can't in the book, right? I just thought I would bc I haz some funny stuff coming up soon >:3 at least I hope....

See ya in the next chapter!!!

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Edit: I can talk now. Long story. Will explain it later. Gonna finish up the next chapter! Bai!




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