Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Is she jealous? Because Blaise is also one of the most attractive people she's seen. So he's smart, powerful, and cute. And on top of that, he's a damned Slytherin, which makes him cunning and good with words, something Hermione never had. the back of her head, she knows exactly why Blaise Zabini ticks her off.

It's not because he's fit, or attractive. It's not because he's graduating with more Honoraries and achievements than she is. It's not because he knows how to talk and when to do it, especially in the presence of someone greater.

No, it's not any of that.

It's because of Ron Weasley.

Hermione's had her eye on that Weasley troll for years now. And yes, she has been more of a motherly friend than a crush, but in all honesty, there was no time for googley eyes and kissy faces during the war.

And at the end of it, when they successfully retracted the Basilisk fangs and she went for the snog, she felt wonderful. Incredible. And Ron looked as if he liked her as well.

However, when the reality came in of what had happened, with Fred passing, Ron withdrew into himself. So she thought it best to give him space and went to Australia to find her parents.

When she came back, she assumed he had missed her, and he did. He had missed her, but not in the way she wanted him to miss her. So Hermione kept quiet, because she knows if she brings it up she won't be able to handle what Ron says.

And enter this god damned Slytherin. With chocolate brown heart eyes and smooth talking and that damned smile. Hermione didn't even know Ron swung that way but that's not the point.

The point is that Blaise took what's hers and she wants it back. And if she has to fight tooth and nail to get it, well.

Blaise Zabini better watch himself.


Draco decides he needs some time to himself. So he leaves the Infirmary, begrudgingly, which has an unconscious Harry Potter, and he walks back to his dorm.

Not the dungeons. It's dark down there.

No, he goes back to the Eighth Tower, where he knows there's people his age, that he can relate to with his past experiences even if he can't talk to them about them because he's still considered the enemy.

He sighs. Headless Nick gives him a nod as he passes, he only waves. Draco feels like he's been doing the same thing every day. He feels like he needs something...something.

Something new. Something extraordinary.

The staircase to the Tower looks long, but Draco trudges on. He knows that when he gets to the top, his bed will be waiting for him.

Should I sleep, he thinks to himself, while Blaise is out? Would that be smart?

He starts to hear voices echo down the hallway, and he pokes his head down the stairs to see students filing back and forth.

Must be time for lunch.

Draco sighs again. He should probably go eat before he retires back to his quarters.

"Malfoy? Hey!"

He turns to see a head of bright red hair bouncing down the stairs and groans. "Not another Weasley."

"Not just any Weasley," he grins widely. "Mum says I'm the favorite."

"Right. I doubt she does not get enough of every one of your jokes gone wrong."

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