Chapter 2 - Evan

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TW: Mention of suicide

Stay safe!

   My letter! I know I can print another one, but Connor will no doubt try to ruin my life with it. This is bad. I picked up my things and headed back to class, hoping to get my mind off everything.

"Hey loser." Jared wasn't the best person in the world, but he was the closest thing I had to a friend. I sat down in my seat next to him.

"Jared. Connor took my letter." I noted I was visibly shaking.

"He took your stupid sex letter? Why should I care?"

"For the last time, it isn't a sex letter! It's for an assignment! What do you think he isn't going to do with it?"

"He is going to ruin your life with it, Connor Murphy is batshit out of his mind. Why do you bother telling me this?"

"You're my friend." Jared only hung out with me so his mom will pay for his car insurance. The bell rang. I packed my things as everyone started for the door. I stood up and kept my head down, the last thing I needed was a run in with someone else.

I stopped at my locker and stowed away my books and left the school. It was starting to get dark out, I didn't worry about mom though, she was probably at work or her class. As I was passing through the park, I noticed a dark figure next to a tree. I knew better than to approach it, but curiosity got the better of me. It was most likely a homeless man, but I have never seen him before.

I slowly walked up to the figure. He was wearing all black and multiple layers, despite it being 80 degrees outside. It took me a few moments to recognize the person's face, but I soon realized it was Connor. This was a perfect opportunity for me to try and get my letter back.

"Uh..excuse me...?" Connor jumped, he turned to look at me while trying to hide something behind his back. "Do you think you could uh.. give me my letter? It's for an assignment and I need it."

"If it matters so much, why don't you just print out another one?" I suppose he was right, but the letter wasn't for an assignment! I didn't want to tell him the truth, no one knew that I went to a therapist, with the exception of my mom.

"Uh. It's actually for my..uh... my therapist and I don't have a printer a home, so can I..uh...have it back?" I saw his expression soften a bit, which took me by surprise.

"Oh." He reached into his bag and pulled out the crumped sheet of paper. While he was digging, I noticed a bright orange bottle behind him. I instantly recognized what it was, since had an identical one for my anxiety meds.

"Connor...?" I asked, but then everything clicked into place. "Are.. you going to try suicide?" I hated that word. Everyone acted as if it was toxic. Connor looked up at me, following my gaze to the bottle of pills. He casually reached over and slipped the small bottle back into his bag.

"Yeah." He stated, as if it was normal.

"Why..?" I looked down at my cast, picking at the bandage out of habit.

"Why do you fucking care?" I obviously pissed him off. I knew I had to try and stop him, but I don't think I had a right to. I walked up to the tree and sat down next to him.

"You can talk to me if you want." I twiddled my thumbs while waiting for a response.

"I'm fine, you can go." Connor's tone had softened and I figured he would be alright, but just in case, I decided I would put my contact into his phone.

"Can I, uh, see your phone?" I asked. Connor reached into his bag, pulled out his phone and held it out to me. I took it and put my contact into it.

"You can talk to me now... maybe..we can be friends?" He only nodded. I stood up and walked away. I hope he'll be alright.

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