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School. Everyone hates it. Like seriously who actually likes it? Anyways. Here we go.

Alright, so I just started school this past Wednesday. Things have been going fine. But there are quite a few things I forgot about and I really just need to let this out and hopefully some of you will relate to me!

Everyone suspects us kids to get up at 6:30 a.m. or earlier, get up, "eat a healthy breakfast", make ourselves look presentable, and go and get straight A's and be the star of a sports team.

Reality check!

Parents and teachers always say to us, "Oh, I understand! I've been there!" Yeah, uh, no you haven't. In our society, its a very confusing place. People say its ok not to be stick thin, but then you go out and people give you looks of digust. People say be yourself, but everyone looks at you funny when you are. Its a hard thing to navigate because you just. Can't. Win.

So, We're expected to get up at 6:30 in the morning. Sounds easy enough right? Well its not! For some of us, we are up late worrying about what abuse we'll recieve the next day. Whether or not our friends will actually stick by our sides. Whether that one boy or girl likes us or not. We are also expected to be happy and awake when we first get to school! Honey, thats not gunna happen, I don't know WHO chose to make school start that early in the morning, but they must not have had kids.

Alright, next. Right before a test or exam, have you ever heard your teavher say "Eat a healthy breakfast before you come to school"? Yeah, well I have. And I know from experience that MOST KIDS don't have time for that. Thats what poptarts are for. Throw a poptart in the toaster oven or even eat it cold and run out the door. We wake up as late as we can and that doesn't give us time to go outside and harvest our food and make it into a fancy parafait or whatever. Frozen waffles and poptarts and cereal. Thats bascically it.

Then, we gotta look presentable. If there are guys reading this, just skip to the next paragraph because you won't understnad most likely. Alright, so we as teenagers are expected to look flawless all the time. And even your friends will point out your newest outbreak of acne or frizzy hair and you have to pretend like you don't care, which is much harder than it looks. So, to prevent those comments being made. Most of us try to cover the break outs with makeup or bangs or a beanie or whatever you have on hand. Some girls (including me) have to put on makeup in the mornings or else we feel like we look like dirt. Then of course you gotta pick out an outfit that is stylish yet comfortable. And trust me that can take a long time. Now some people pick out their outfits the night before and I just want to like congradulate you for that because I'm not one of those people. I'm the girl flying around the house at the last minute trying to put together an outfit.

Then, we're on our way to school. Once you get there of course, there are already people on your back about everything! Homework done, study for your test, if you fail this quiz you'll be flipping burgers at McDonalds for the rest of your life. Yeah you know what I'm talking about. I don't know about your guys' schools but mine is STRICT!!!! I'll give you a few examples. Forget your homework at home? Well if you don't finish by the end of the day you get a dentention. Your butt isn't in your seat when the bell rings? Detention! Oh, but teacher I was in the classroom when the bell rang, I was just helping Ainsley with her homework! Lol no you still get a detention. I mean like you can only put so much pressure on a kid before they just break and the threat of getting a detention for such small things is pretty dang stressful. You can't expect kids to be perfect all the time because news flash, we aren't.

Its even worse when a teacher hates you and you know it. We all have that one teacher that we are confident hates our very existence. That one teavher that watches you and you alone for anything you might happen to mess up on.

Sports. Well, some people love sports, some people love certain sports, and some people hate sports all together. Now, some of you may not understand this but just bear with me. You can skip this paragraph if you really want to! Ok, so my school is a very small strict Christian school. Since we're such a small school we need a lot of people for our sports teams. So I have been pressured since a very young age to play basketball because of my height. I've played now for 2 years, but I'm considering quitting this year. Simply because I would go to school, go to practice, come home, do homework, and be stressed about everything. Its ESPECIALLY hard when you expect to come home and have a break from everything but then your parents dump even MORE stuff on you. I remember crying almost every night because the bar was set so freaking high.

Alright so I guess thats my school rant, Leave a comment and maybe we can talk! :) If you have any suggestions for what I should write my thoughts about next, leave a comment as well!

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