"I am sorry sir. Good evening sir."

"Wow." Kore exclaimed then recovered quickly and replied, "Good evening."

As soon as Itunu left, Kore said, "That boy looks so familiar, like I know him."

"You've started with your jokes right? How can you know someone you are just seeing for the first time?"

"I'm serious o, A.Y. Anyway, I don't think I did not deserve to know you have a kid. Damn! You must be married. Imagine your husband is around. Why didn't you tell me?"

"That's because there is no husband. I am not married."

"You are not married? How did you have him then?"

"Him's name is Itunuoluwa and I had him the same way every other woman has a child." Ayo snapped at him, irritated with his questions already.

Kore took her hand in his as he said, "A.Y I am sorry if I sounded insensitive. I didn't mean to upset you. I was just trying to get to know more about you."

"It's fine. Sorry I snapped at you."

"Okay. How old is he?"

"Six years old this year."

"Wow. That's a big boy."

"You can say that again." Ayo affirmed smiling.

Then Kore asked out of the blue, "Where do you see yourself in the next five years?"

"Hmm.. I don't know. Seriously. 'Cause, I wanted to get a degree but I got pregnant and I had to skip school. I wanted to go back to school when Itunu started school but the stress was much so I have been putting it off and finance too is a major contributor."

"What if you get someone to sponsor you?"

"Sponsor me? I will jump at it. I believe I can still make something out of myself."

"Do you have a WASSCE* certificate?"

"Yes. After Secondary school, I went to a polytechnic and after my OND*, I applied to a University to get my Bachelors degree but Itunu happened so I just had to forfeit my admission."

"Hmm... What if you get someone to sponsor you like right now? Like this year? Will you take the opportunity?"

"Sure. I will just get a weekend job to take care of Itunu's fees and I will work-study but all these are just dreams, nobody is ready to foot another's bill especially if there is nothing attached?"

"That's a wrong view but anyway, I am ready to sponsor you."

Ayo looked at Kore as if he had grown two horns, "What do you mean you are ready to sponsor me?"

"I mean I am ready to send you to school and I will even pay Itunu's fees so you can concentrate on your studies."

"Why would you ever do that?"

"I believe that when you have, you should give because we do not have to give but we give to have. The more I bring a smile to people's face, the more I get to smile. Also, I have the money and if I can help others, why can't I help someone I know?"

"Do you know how much it's going to cost to buy UTME* form, pay acceptance fee, registration fees, then school fees, accommodation? Nah, that's way too much money."

"A.Y the future belongs to those who seize the opportunities of today. Why don't you let me worry about the money and you worry about passing with distinction?"

"Wow!" Ayo exclaimed still trying to take in the offer.

"Wow!" She exclaimed again and Kore smiled,

"I know it's a lot. Take your time."

"Okay, let's just imagine I have accepted, what school will I go and how is it going to work?"

"Let me see." Kore said trying to think. Then he spoke up,

"Okay. First, it depends on the school you want to go and the course you want to study. I went to the University of Lagos (UNILAG), you can apply there if they offer the course you want to study. The school is quite popular and I have a friend who is a lecturer there.

"So, if we are applying, he might as well work with you and make sure you get admitted. Also, my house is not so far from the school so you could stay at my place if you want. My boys quarter is free and unused.

"But if you want to attend another school, we could work it out by getting you an off campus accommodation and I will just transfer whatever cash you need for processing and everyone is happy."

"Kore, are you serious?"

"Do I look like I am pulling your legs?"

"Okay, let's do it this way. I will inform my family and whatever they say, I will call you tomorrow evening."

"Okay. That's okay. Just remember that what you want is important."

"I know. Thank you Kore."

"For what? I have not even started emptying my pocket."

Ayo laughed, "For rekindling a nearly put out fire and for being you."

"Hmm. You are welcome. I should be on my way now before my mum starts disturbing me with calls."

Ayo laughed, "She does that?"

"Yes o. I don't know why she gets antsy when she knows I am a fully grown man."

"It's because she loves you."

"I know you will take her side. I will be expecting that call. Take care and greetings to your grandmother and Itunu."

"Okay. Let me see you off a bit."

"No, don't worry, I will be fine. Take care and good night."

"Good night." Ayo said as she watched him leave and waited till he was out of sight before she went to break the latest news to her grandmother.


Hello Boos and Baes,

Chapter Three is done.

Starred Words

WASSCE - West African Senior School Certificate Examination

OND - Ordinary National Diploma

UTME - Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination.

Dansaki- A term in Yoruba used to pay homage to the royals.

What do y'all think?

Will Ayo take this offer?

Do you think Kore has an ulterior motive?

Leave me a comment, let me know what you think.

(MTB) Meant To Be (A Nigerian Story) Where stories live. Discover now