"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were asleep or not."

There were soft footsteps walking away. Then he heard a drawer open, some rustling after. Finally, the drawer closed. It went silent a second.

Till Felix heard the soft rattling of a belt. His face heated up and he moved so it was buried into it in the pillow more. His sweats soon becoming obnoxious and too hot.

"You left really early, you feeling okay?"

Felix hummed, trying to make it seem like he was too tired to talk. So then maybe the older would leave him alone.

And, of course, it didn't work like he wanted it to.

"I think the group is doing really well. Every day we get closer and closer to being able to debut." Changbin said

Felix hummed again, really needing Changbin to stop talking so he could calm down.

But he continued anyway, "Your Korean is really improving as well. I think by debut-"

"Please stop talking!" Felix yelled

The younger of the two wanted to disappear into thin air when everything just seemed to go still. He could basically feel Changbin's eyes burning into his back, and he couldn't help how warm his cheeks got because of it.

He squeezed his eyes closed tighter when he felt new weight on the bed.

"Felix." The older of the two said softly

The Aussie kept his eyes shut, trying to bury his face in his pillow more.

"Felix, look at me." Changbin said firmly

The younger was having a hard time not doing what he was told. Changbin's voice molded so deeply it affected his body. His need to please what the hypnotizing voice told him only growing more and more as time went by. He could tell the older's patience was being tested the longer he looked away. His usually charismatic personality being switched with a dark force. It resonated the serious vibe he gave off when he rapped. Demanding and forceful, taking what it wanted. And leaving whatever was in its way in the dirt beneath him.

Felix soon wore Changbin's patience too thin, resulting in the shorter male grabbing the Aussie's arm and forcing him onto his back. He held the younger's hands to his sides, moving so he was now hovering over Felix's skinner body.

"Felix, open your damn eyes and look at me." Changbin all but growled out

At this point, Felix's own patience towards himself was gone, and he opened his eyes. He was met with Changbin's gaze boring into his own. His brain malfunctioned the more he looked into his elder's eyes. So he kept them open but looked to the side.

Changbin forced the Aussie's skinny arms into the bed, "Why did you tell me to stop talking?"

"I can't tell you." The younger muttered

"Why can't you tell me?"

Felix looked at the wall, "Because you would be weirded out by me, and judge me for it."

"What could you possibly say that would make me judge you?"

The taller boy shook his head side to side, "I can't tell you."

Changbin growled out, "Just say it."

"Your voice turns me on." The younger said weakly

It went silent again. Felix still avoiding the older's gaze. The silence made him feel like he was going to start to cry. This was why he didn't want to tell the older boy. He was never one who could handle rejection. Especially to this degree. He squeezed his eyes shut again, trying to keep himself from crying in front of Changbin. He started to feel a ringing in his ears. Tears were brimming behind his eye sockets. Threatening to spill over even with how hard he was trying to contain them.

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