After a while I heard mama and Breezo leaving the bathroom. I waited til they was in mama room and went to run the shower. I finally got in the shower and washed up my body. I had a body to be only 17. I hate stepping out alone sometimes cause men be looking at me like imma snack. I got all ready and out the shower after a good thirty minutes.

I went in my room and started curling my hair. My mom stepped in the room and smiled at me. "You look so pretty" she said. "Thanks mama" I said. "Man you look just like me when I was about your age, you just a lil chunkier then I was" I said. "I am not chunky, I am thick mama get it right" I said. Mama started laughing. "Whatever girl" she said. Mama turned and left out my room. I'm surprise she ain't see her mink eyelashes that I stole from her.

Next thing I know, mama walks back in and shoots me a look. She snatches her lashes off my dresser and walks out and close my door. I frowned and kept doing My hair. I put a little bit of makeup on and my Chanel sandals. I looked bomb. But I didn't like the dress so I switched it up and wore my Chanel jumpsuit. I look much better and feel much better now.

I walked out the room and mama was clapping her hands and blowing kisses at me. "You look bomb" she said. "Thanks mama" I said. "Okay make sure Khadija is ready and I got Amir already ready" said Mama. I went in Khadija's room and put her on an outfit. I fixed her hair and put her matching sandals on. I put all the kids in the car and sat in the car to wait on mama. Next thing I know, Mama and Breezy was walking to the car. "What the fuck, I don't wanna sit in the back" I said. I got out the front and jumped in the back with Khadija. I texted Keisha my whole way there. She suppose to meet me at Mama D house so I won't be bored.


After a 20 minute ride, we finally arrived. I seen Vanessa car parked outside. I got all excited. I missed Vanessa, but I know she ain't been kicking it with me cause of Deontre's decision to kill Amir's dad. Imma speak and keep my cool. I hope don't nothing turn out bad. I got all the kids out the car. Amir was whining so I picked him up and held him and walked up the the house. Breezy locked my doors for me and I knocked on the door.

Mama D answered the door. "Heyyyy family" she said. I hugged her as I stepped in the house and she kissed my kids and hugged Karlynn so tight. "Man I remember when you was a short lil smart mouthed little girl" said Mama D. I started laughing. "Look just like yo daddy" she added. "Ouu and who is this handsome young man ?" Mama D asked as she seen Breezy. Breezy reached his hand out to her and introduced his self. "Nice to meet you Ma'am I'm Antonio" he said. "Ohh nice to meet you too, and please call me Mama D" she said.

I walked all the way in the kitchen and put Amir down. "Hey everybody" I said to my family that was there. "Heyyy Karlyyy" they said in Unison. I stepped into the kitchen and seen Vanessa. "Mhmm I guess you don't know me no more huh ?" I said. She turned around and fake smiled and gave me a light hug. "Hey boo" she said. She walked away and sat at the island in the kitchen. I shook my head and bumped her shoulder as I walked pass.
I went and sat on the couch.

Breezy must've seen how I was looking. He walked over and sat next to me. "Baby what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, That girl with the all red on she use to be my best friend now the bitch acting fake" I said. "Fuck her" he said. "Antonioooo" I said. "Antonio my ass, I hate fake hoes" he said. I laughed. "Periodt Sus" I said. We both started laughing hard.

After a whole hour the food was ready to be served. "Karly come make yo kids plates and sit them at the table" said Mama D. I got up off Breezo lap and made Amir and Khadija plates and sat them at the kids table. "Antonio come make yo plate baby" I said. He got up and walked In the kitchen and grabbed a paper plate. All the adults where making their own plates. Vanessa kept eyeing me. I kept smiling and winking at her fake ass.

Me and Breezo got done making our plates at the same time. We sat right next to each other. I took my sandal off and laid my foot on his leg. He looked down at me. "Baby my leg hurt" I said. He start rubbing my leg for me. "Feel better ?" He asked. "Yeah" I said. After a while everyone was at the table. "Okay it's time for me to say grace, everybody bow your head and close your eyes" I grabbed Breezo's and Drock's cousin Pablo's hand. "Heavily father, before I get started I just wanna say, thanks for another year with the family and bless my grand daughter Karlynn for another year as a young adult, and most of all thank you for all the love and support you have put into this family, Love you Amen" she said. "AMEN" we all said.

We all started digging into our food. I looked down the table and Karlynn was sitting next to Keisha who just came in. KJ was at the table too. I didn't mind it, I'm just so use to them being at the kid table. Everyone was silent except me and Breezy. We was laughing and he was cracking jokes. "So Karly, this yo new man ?" Asked Mama D. "Yes, my new boyfriend" I said. Vanessa smirked. "Where you meet him" she asked. "Well we met a while back when I was pregnant with Khadija" I said. "Yeah he wanted me so bad but I was married at the time" I said.

Vanessa laughed. I looked over at her and seen her smirking. "Bitch is sum funny ?" I asked. "Heyy Don't start that mess up in here" said Mama D. I rolled my eyes. "Hoe" I said. "Bitch who the fuck you calling a hoe ?" Said Vanessa. "You bitch" I snapped. Antonio seen me getting up and he snatched me down. "Bae chill tf out" he said. Vanessa grabbed her wine. "Mhm, I'm the hoe huh ?" She asked. Vanessa looked at Karlynn.

"Karlynn, What happened to yo daddy ?" She asked her. I looked away. "I don't know, nobody ever told me" she said. I shook my head. "Karly, tell her how Amir's dad killed her dad" she said. I felt my stomach turning. I was stuck. Tears just fell down my eyes and I was just heart broken. Karlynn had her mouth wide open. "Mama, is this true ?" She asked. I was silent. I couldn't feel nothing. My legs had gon numb. "Yes it's true" Vanessa answered. "Karly tell her how Amir's dad killed her dad cause of you, how you was fucking Amir's dad behind her dads back when that was yo husband" she added.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" screamed Karlynn. "I'm sorry, Karlynn mama is so sorry" I said. "I was in love with your father but we had our differences and I made the most terrible mistake" I said. Karlynn got up and stormed out of the room. I was stuck and crying. I felt back for Antonio but he moved my hand and shook his head and got up and walked out. "FINE!!" I yelled. I laughed. "FINE VANESSA, YES THROW ME UNDER THE FUCKING BUS!!" I snapped. "BUT ALL THIS OVER YOUR DUMB ASS FIANCÉ DECIDING HE WANTED REVENGE AND GOING TO KILL AMIR's DAD ?" I asked. "Your a selfish bitch" I said. I looked around at Drock's family and they were in shock. Mama D was crying. "Yes all of this is true" I said. "BUT NOBODY IN THIS FUCKING ROOM, KNOWS WHAT ITS LIKE TO LOSE SOMEONE THEY LOVE" I said. I choked up on my spit. "I was depressed, I was an Alcoholic, I was mentally fucking ill when I lost my husband" I said. "I DIDNT HAVE NOBODY!!" I yelled. "MY DAUGHTER HAD TO TAKE CARE OF MY CHILDREN CAUSE I WAS OUTTA MY MIND" I snapped.

"I damn near lost Amir when I found out i was pregnant" I snapped. I banged on the table. "I WAS BLEEDING TO FUCKING DEATH" I screamed. "But my baby a fighter" I said. Vanessa was crying after I said all that. I drunk some more wine and laughed. "And you sitting over there, mad and acting fake" I said. "Best friend my ass" I said. I drunk a little bit of my wine and poured it out on the ground. "This for my husband who ain't here" I said. I grabbed my purse and tightened up my sandal. Antonio was standing at the door and looking at me.

He hung his head low and I walked right pass him. "MY CREW LETS GO" I said. I walked out and got in the van. I sat in my seat. All my kids got in the car and even Antonio. I started up the car and drove off. The whole car was silent the whole way there. I bussed out crying silently to myself. I was in so much pain. It was like my passed was right back on me. I thought I moved away from that. I was sick when I lost my husband and Amir's dad at the same time. I could've killed myself. That's bitch Vanessa don't care, she just want sum dick.


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