Chapter 2

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Calum. Calum. Calum. Cal-um. Calum. I toss the name over in my head. It's the first I've ever heard of it and as frustrating as it was the boy it belongs to has been the only thing on my mind since I last saw him out in his yard nearly a week ago.

I've decided he's either really busy or flat out avoiding me but I've chosen to believe the latter.

I'm out in my yard again, like I have been for more days than I'm willing to admit, my dog in toll. Whether that had anything to do with the neighbor - Calum - being absolutely in love with him, well that was all just details.

I sigh, tossing my dogs toy and staring at his back door as if that'll somehow make him come out. I'm not sure why it's bothering me so much. I hate my new neighbors. I just...don't want them to hate me. I need them to know I'm not some rude bratty teenage girl and I need him in particular to know that I don't actually hate it when he plays his music really loud and also that I'm not some creep. Although my latest actions beg to differ.

I'm just about ready to pack it in and call it a day when my dog's tail starts wagging and he's barking excitedly in a knowing way. I hear the back door open and my heart starts racing as I quickly lay on my back and pretend I haven't been staring at his back door waiting for him to come out for hours.

Now that he's out I'm not sure what my next step is to this plan. I've honestly been trying to get even a glimpse of him this past week let alone have him right there in front of me within talking, walking, touching distance. I can hear my dog's collar shaking, an indication of Calum still petting him.

Which now that I think about, is a bit odd since whenever he pets him it's usually quick. Just enough to settle the happy pup down.

So I chance a peek. It's hardly a glance really, just a quick once over to make sure everything's alright.

He looks up from where he's staring at the four legged ball of excitement to meet my gaze, smile etched onto his face.

"Sorry, did you want your dog back?" he chuckles, a sound I swear I've never heard, something so absolutely heavenly.

And of course.. "Hun, why are you outside again? You've been out here for a week already, if I didn't know any better I'd think you're waiting for that cute n-"

"Mom!" I mentally face palm.

I hear a giggle come from over the small fence but can't scrap up enough courage to look that way.

"Oh, Hello," my mom beams politely with a wave.

"Hello," Calum replies through a small laugh.

"What did you need?" I ignore the last 5 minutes.

"Right, your rooms an absolute mess, please get it clean before the barbecue." Honestly it's like she set out to embarrass me.

"I'll do it now," I get up mainly because my cheeks and ears are burning with a blush and I need to get away from the cute- the neighbor.

"You and your family are coming I hope?" I hear her ask outside just as I step into the safety of our home.

"Yeah, think we are. Mum's been planning her dish all day," I can see Calum from inside, hands still petting our dog and smile still firm on his lips.

"Good, glad to hear it. I'll leave you to it then." He and my mom exchange polite goodbyes and I think I see him glance in my direction before grabbing his soccer ball and going about his business.

And if I happen to get sidetracked from cleaning my room due to the shirtless teenage boy out in his yard well then that's nobody's business.


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