Chapter 9

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Batman's P.O.V

"Hey, Bruce, can we talk?" I here a voice behind me as the young protege walks up next to me. Even though I'm mean and serious doesn't mean I don't have a heart. I try to keep to myself but it always backfires by getting people hurt, or worse get them killed. So I open up to my students and teach them how to get through tough times.

"Yes, Artemis, what can I do for you?"

"Let me and Jade go in alone and keep the rest of the team and League on base." she asked as she kept her head down. she seemed to know how stupid her question was but it was not a bad idea.

"Ok, as long as Wally knows I can live with it." I told her as I went back to work inwardly sighing to myself as she blushed at the sound of his name. Young love, so free and romantic; to bad Richard can't find that. "You know we are happy for you, right?" I asked her turning around just to see a face within a state of shock.

"What did you... you? Uh... Bruce you have feelings?" she just stared, I wouldn't blame her, I am Batman so dark and scary I don't like girly things. But that is Batman, right now I'm Bruce Wayne.

"Yes, Batman can have secret feelings of affection to you know. just ask Catwoman and Wonder Woman we have done it-"

"Wow! Calm down Batman, did not need to know that. But if your such a player why doesn't Robbie have that gift, it could help with Ze." And with that we both smiled and devised a plane for my young protégé to be happy.

Aqualad's POV

"Kal, we need to talk." One of my great friends said as he entered my quarters. He just popped down on my bed and stared off into space.

I stood, walked over, and sat down with Rob. "Yes?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He looked at me and just broke down in tears. "Oh dear friend, what had happened to you?"

He sniffled and proceeded to look me in the eyes and tell me how he wish he was happy like Wallace and Artemis with Zatanna. But how the Batman would forbid such a foolish act. I did agree with him on the longing, no, desire to be in a joyous relationship like KF and Artemis. But it was against Rob's and I's mentors' rules.

"I just don't know-"

"Hey Robin, Bats wants to see you." A familiar female voice reported. The female just lead the way as I watched her blond hair be followed by Dicks small body shrunken in fear. Poor kid.

Robin's POV

"What does he want?" I asked Arty as we walked down the hall. She just smiled and walked still ignoring my question.

"He seems to have tips on how to seem visually appealing toward a certain someone on this team." She smiled all knowingly at me causing me to blush at the sound of the discovery of my crush. But before I could think much more a shadow hit me and captured Arty, and like the coward, they fled with Artemis' pony tail swaying behind her. Then; darkness.

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