Chapter 17

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Artemis' POV

"Hey Beautiful," his gruff voice and strong arms held onto me. God how much I hated playing the damsel in distress, but I was happy to be rid of the powers, even if the process took me by surprise. 

"Hi," I muttered into him, breathing in the smell of speed and sweat on the red-head hottie. I knew that the next conversation we were going to have wouldn't go as well. 

"YAY! ARTY'S BACK!" the cry came from Zatana and Kal. I was engulfed in hugs and affection, even the emergence of Batman with a smile confirmed in me that this was going to be hard to do.

"Yeah... I'm back." I sighed. That of which didn't go unnoticed, a look from the league made it clear that we would be having a conversation, but not until the team had their moments with me.

Wally's POV

 She was back, I smiled down at her as the rest of the team began to pull her away from me. I couldn't help but think, after this, would she want to keep going?

Of course she would. She loves this life. Could you imagine her without the arrows? The mask? The Kid Flash?

Funny thing was, I loved my girlfriend without the mask more then I did the smokey grey specks behind the hunter green. I really felt a tinge of selfishness as I continued to think on us leaving. Her being all mine, it would be the best. 

"Wally, can we talk?" a small voice whispered in my ear. The woman of the day smiled weakly at me. This was bad news and I almost died. 

"Yeah, yeah, that's fine..." I trailed off thinking I knew what was to come. As we walked to her room, I couldn't help but feel awful. She was going to take me to the place where it all started and was going to end it all.

"Wally," she started but I couldn't stop the words just as she was finishing hers, "I want to stop the hero life."

"You're breaking up with me?"

Just as I realized the idiocy of myself, she was already 12 steps ahead of me. She couldn't help but laugh, knowing the look on my face said it all. 

I just looked down as the blush on my face matched the same hue of my hair. She was gorgeous when she laughed and I knew, I just knew I had to tell her I felt the same way about the hero life.

As I finished she just smiled at me, with a blush. She reached for my hand a pulled me close to her. And kissed me slowly and pationetlly.

"So, tomorrow we leave it all behind Baywatch, tonight it's just you and me." 

That was all I needed to hear.


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