The Vampire uprise {ch5Pt1}

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Chapter 5:

My breathing quickened as I ran straight forward, tumbling down the steps and straightening myself before I fell flat faced. I could feel every single breath traveling up my throat scraping against it like a knife and making it sorer with each breath that I breathed.  I could feel my body shaking, as I looked around trying to find somewhere to hide.

But I couldn’t.

I was surrounded by trees; that stood silent, their leaves blowing to and fro showing the hidden places that lay just beyond them. But not for long; soon those hidden places would disappear and the blowing leaves would settle back in front of it until another breeze would pass moving them once again.

To And fro they blew again, the rustling leaves scraping against the dark brown branches, and base of the tree. Every once and a while I could see a leaf flutter to the ground spinning, flapping slowly falling as if there was no gravity and I wanted to grab it. Grab the leaf and break it into little pieces.

I want to be that leaf, I want to fly, for there to be no gravity…

My eyes wandered around sweeping across the trees and I glanced back one last time before my feet slowly started to lift up- and I broke into a run. I could feel my feet pounding on the ground with each step I took and it sounded like drums thumping ferociously.

Remember watching those scary movies, where you watch the girl run and the music gets louder and louder. You want to scream out and warn the girl- tell her that he’s coming for her. But you see I can’t do that- I am that girl and I am not being warned.

I cannot warn myself for I cannot hear, I do not have hearing like those of the wolves, or the vampires I am just a normal human; normal and defenseless. That feeling in the  pit of your stomach, the feeling of terror yet- you do not realize it and I don’t think anyone does. Everyone has that feeling…

 Emptiness that is the feeling, No one ever noticed it before; or named it as emptiness but that is exactly what it is and I know so. I know this because- I have been empty for years, waiting and wishing for an end.

It was horrible though, watching something you love slip between your fingers just out of your reach. No I am not being over dramatic; I was empty for years and once I had finally found what I made me happy again it was taken away. I wasn’t allowed to reach forward and brush my fingers across it; to water it or even just sit below it protected by its leafs.

A resounding boom echoed through the trees, causing me to jump and run faster, afraid of where that sound came from. My arms moved as I lifted my legs, left then right and felt two cold drops of water fall onto my cheek. I brought my gaze up to the sky my eyes widening as a cool brush of air blew and I stared at the black clouds that loomed above me.

Lighting and thunder flashed loudly, making me shiver as the tension that filled the clouds was released. The rain started to become more frequent; the little droplets falling in larger amounts each time they hit my body.

Shuddering; I glanced backwards at the house that was almost fully covered by the trees that I had ran by long ago and I stared watching as the lights from the house flickered.  My feet lifted up faster, continuing to pull me deeper into the woods and another loud roar from the clouds above bounced off the trees passing through my ears.

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