》》Love At First Sight《《

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I tried my best with all my might,
I failed and it happened,
And my fear came to it's end.

Love was one of my biggest fears,
But it ended as those words reached my ears.
Love turned to be a boon,
And I realised it soon.

You came as a friend,
I thought my love has end.
But then, I heard those 3 words from you,
I blushed and said me too.

Love changed my thinking,
Our hearts are more sinking.
And now, I have learnt to live happily with all my might,
Only due to this lovely LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT....

Many people have fall in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT...Some consider it as a boon while some as bane. Actually, it depends on that couple. Every relationship is pure at the start. It depends on you that how you want to take or how you are taking your relationship. As in childhood our heart is pure but as we grew it depends on us...if we are maintaining the purity or not...

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