Chapter three - Atmosphere

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The whole trip went through without you seeing Barry again. He seemed like such a nice person. You really wanted to meet him again. Talk to him. For once you thought a person would understand you.

Through this week you, Vanessa and Mia became your friends. Yeah, really. You enjoyed your week in Stockholm and even managed to see everything you wanted. Vanessa and Mia were with you all the time. That's what real friends do, right?

The flight back home was harder than you expected it to be. Back to normality. Back to... all these things. Your father's death was laid over your house like a dark, heavy blanket. As soon as you came home, you felt this insane pain. Yes. You tried to explain it to your new friends. But still you thought they wouldn't understand.

No one would.


Your mom picked you up at school. The way back home you told her about what happened. What you saw. About your new friends.

"I am so happy for you!"

She was visibly tired but still tried to make you feel understood and loved. You knew she was only acting like she was interested. Her head was somewhere else.

Back home you sat on your bed, reflecting on that week. How strange you felt around Barry.


The days passed. One by one. Another week was gone. Another weekend came. Mia was begging you to come with them to a restaurant she was talking about for weeks. Going out was still not your thing but you felt like this was your opportunity to get out of your daily trot.

"Please" Mia begged.

"Okay. Alright" you finally said a bit annoyed.

"Yay!" Mia cheered.

"Vanessa's coming too."

"I didn't expect anything else!"

Mia giggled.

"See you at 6?"

"Yes. I'll try to get my mother's car."


Your mom lent you her car. She was such a kind-hearted human.

"Bye mom"

"Bye (y/n). Remember don't drink and drive!"

She hugged you before you left.

The air outside was warm. A soft wind blew through the leaves of the tree your mom's car was parked under. The drive to the restaurant was short. As you arrived, Mia and Vanessa were already there.

"We waited for you, for like years. I am starving" Vanessa moaned.

"I am 2 minutes late?"

"No worries I am just joking" she laughed.

You smiled. You slowly understood her sense of humor. She didn't mean most of the things she said. She just loved to troll people.

The restaurant was really nice. The food was good, and the people were friendly.

Mia told stories about her lover boy while Vanessa tried to give her advises. You totally zoned out. Talking about boys didn't interest you in any way.

The big windows of the building gave you a nice view. The stars were shining. The road was almost as empty as the parking lot. There was a weird atmosphere out there. Although it was summer it looked cold outside. There was this feeling. The feeling of being watched.

"It's getting late guys. Thanks for coming but I think I'll leave now."

Mia's voice tore you out of your thoughts.

"Yeah... it's time to leave" you acknowledged.

You paid and walked out of the restaurant. You said goodbye to your friends and walked over to your mothers' car. When you parked here there were a lot of cars.

Where are my keys?! You asked yourself as you dug yourself through your bag.

Totally focused on the keys you didn't hear the steps behind you.

The feeling you had in that restaurant grew more intense. It was as if a dark shadow was following you from the entrance to the car.

As you finally found your keys you noticed a man standing behind you.

Behind his glasses and the almost bald head you couldn't really tell why this man looked so familiar to you. You went through the last few weeks.

You did know him. For sure.

He stood there. His hands behind his back. He looked unsure.

"Can I help you sir?"

He took a deep breath.
Then he pulled out a spray can and a mask.

His actions were so fast. You couldn't even react. Everything happened so fast...

Before everything went black and you fell into this strangers' arms, you remembered who he was and where you met him before. Unbelievable. Impossible? Was this the gas that caused you to think such a nice person would do this? It shot through your head like a rocket.

This was Barry.

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