Halloween Time..(Its not..its January..)

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Percy: Hey Annie! *is dressed as a fish*
Annabeth:Hey nice costume! Its very aquatic!
Percy:Thanks! Your a stack of books I see.
Annabeth:*Nods* What are you Piper?
Piper:I'm a thing of lipstick ;-; *does little dance*
Annabeth: ....Jason?
Hazel: I'm a spirit and Frank decided to be a real dog for some reason.
Frank: *Barks*
Annabeth:Where's Leo?
Jason and Piper:*holding in laughter*
Annabeth: ?
*Leo pops out of a bush as a spider*
Leo:*Says in spooky voice* Hello there.
Annabeth: *grabs Leo and judo kicks him*
Everyone else: ....
Annabeth: *sprays Leo with spider repellant and runs off*
Percy: Annabeth! IT WAS LEO! *sighs*

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