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When I got there, by the looks of it, I thought I was already too late. A fight has already started between the navy and what seemed like... pirates? Wait! Those are the Whitbeard pirates! I can see the Mobbydick at the... wait. Is that Ice?! Must be Aokiji! Oh no this is bad, this is so bad! I thought to myself as I ran towards the plaza. As soon as I set foot on the ice pirates started attacking me. Who are those? What is wrong with them?! They're supposed to know me. I thought as I got sucked inside my self letting Black take control and do all the fighting for me.

Oh yes! They're Whitebeard's allies! Black! Don't hurt them. I spoke to Black. She kept knocking them out but being carful to keep them alive. I had to fight my way through. Lucky I only had to fight the pirates. Where's Garp?! Black wondered. I don't know he came with us on the same ship. He must be out there, somewhere. I told her back. I felt someone touch my shoulder and my sword was at his neck in a moment. "Eugene?" I took control again. "What were you thinking?! I thought I promised Fire fist to protect you!" He yelled at me. "I'm sorry, I couldn't just watch my husband die and do nothing!" I tried to defend myself.

"Anyway, the kids are on their way to Dadan. I told the captain to take good care of them. He thinks they're my children now so that's a plus for you. Now, what's the plan? What are you planning on doing?!" He asked me. "I don't know. I mean we are fighting pirates off for now but we should be fighting the navy if we wanna save Ace." I answered him before Black took control again to knock someone out who came from behind him. Just as we were talking we heard screaming... from the... air?! I looked up trying to locate the source of the voice. It was Luffy!! And is that... Iva? Oh and Jimbe! They're... here.

"Listen if these are gonna be in the war we're gonna win this war. Knowing these people growing up assures me that we've got the upper hand now, I mean they, the pirates... the-" "the side who's saving Ace." Eugene interrupted me. "Yeah that." I said as we started moving. We went to shield ourselves somewhere away from all the gunshots. "What now?!" Eugene asks in panic.

"Look, we'll go our separate ways. I'll try to get to Ace while you try and find the key. Meet at the center of the plaza with the key to his handcuffs. I'll try to get up there and open his lock. That's plan A, if that fails then just give me the key and I'll figure out another way to get him free." I explained. We got on the move and I carefully examined the plaza as I walked around. I've noticed that the 7 warlords were here too. Oh my, Ace sure was right when he said things are gonna get ugly. I thought to myself.

Boa Hancock seemed to fight the navy instead of the pirates. Could she possibly be on our side?! I thought to myself shocked. I made my way to the bottom of the tower where Ace was, I didn't realize how long that took me. I saw Eugene making his way towards me. "Here, I got it." He said handing me the key. "Perfect! Let's go." I said turning around.

Boa Hancock POV

I saw two marines approaching ~ my dearest future husband's ~ brother. I made my way towards them and showed up right in front of them. "Where do you two think you're going?!" I asked with a smirk. They looked young, both of them. The girl could not be more than 17, short, cute with pitch black short hair and the boy maybe in his last teenage years tanned skin with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. The boy took a fighting stance and the girl gasped before something about her changed and she also took a fighting stance.

"I thought you'd be smarter than that." I said about to turn them into stone. "Wait!" Said the girl putting down her sword. "Why are you fighting the navy? Aren't you a warlord?" She asked me. "That is non of your business!" I snapped back. "Are you trying to save Ace?" The young boy asked. "Not exactly." I mumbled beneath my breath. "Listen, I know everyone loves you because of your outstanding beauty, but have you ever loved someone? I don't know if you did, but there's one thing I'm sure about; you'd give up anything for this person. Now let me tell you, I don't care if you kill me right here and now cause at least I'd die trying!" The young girl spoke up.

"What do you mean?!" I asked her. "I'm in love with Ace alright? We have kids together, and I don't want them to lose their father so if you don't mind, we need to get up that tower." She spoke calmly. "I've been in love, I know exactly how you feel, only my love doesn't show any interest in me back." I told her. "The dude's dying ladies! And that ain't therapy! Let us through Hancock!" The young man spoke. "Who do you love?" The girl asked.

Megan's POV

"Monkey D. Luffy AKA strawhat Luffy." Boa Hancock answered. "What the... ewwww that's just gross! Are you seriously in love with my little brother?!" I whisper-yelled. "You are related to my love?!" She asked shockingly. Eugene just face palmed. "Look I don't wanna get involved anymore, I just wanna save my husband." I told her trying to get around her. "Wait a second!" She blocked my way. Great now what?! Black thought.

"How come you're Luffy's sister but married to Ace while we all know that Ace is Luffy's big brother?" She asked. "Long story, now please, we really need to get this key up there." Eugene stepped forward. I think I might start liking that guy. Black mused inside me. Hey! I thought you had kids woman! I thought back to her. They're adopted and am dead! Leave me alone. She crossed her hand and pouted. Of course only I felt it.

"I'll be taking this thank you!" Hancock took the key from Eugene and turned him into stone and ran away. "Eugene! NO!" I screamed in defeat but it was already too late. I tried to move him to a safer place so no one would push him and he breaks, which took and awfully long time. Hancock, you're gonna pay for this! I thought as I started searching for her between the crowds of bloody men fighting.

Hey guyssss!! Ya miss me? No? .... ok. Anywhoooo, here's a new crappy and I hope ya like it. Don't forget to VOTE!!

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