Chapter 2

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The day had been long and tiring, to tell the truth. Kara could feel her eyes closing in front of the screen, where words floated attempting to compose a report. It'd been a regular day, nothing out of the ordinary - no crime to stop, no fire to extinguish, no one to save. Still, she felt as if she had just been attacked by an angry horde of aliens. Her mind was already picturing herself inside her bed, a slice of pizza on her hand, and Alex curled up next to her - that is, if she was even going to be home that night, and not on some date. She turned off the computer, completely giving up on her writing, and ready to fly home.
Barely had she stepped out of her office, when Kara heard footsteps in the distance, approaching her. She thanked her super powers, for she knew who was walking towards her before the person showed up. Her pace, her scent and well... her heartbeat. Kara could've recognised that heartbeat from across the whole world.
She adjusted her glasses, trying to look casual and  surprised when Lena Luthor appeared in front of her. 'Lena!', she said enthusiastically.
'Kara, darling. Are you ready to go?' Lena asked, only to find Kara's confused expression. 'We're going to the movies tonight, remember? You wanted to she the latest Spider-man film?'
Of course, Kara had not forgotten about that; she couldn't.  However, she had expected her friend would've. 'Yeah, I remember! I'm just really tired, y'know?' She started, feeling the guilt already crammed in her chest. She tried to  hide a yawn, but failed to do so. 'I'm so sorry, Lena, I'm just exhausted today.'
'Oh.' Lena responded, unable to conceal her sadness. 'Don't worry, sweetie, we can reschedule for tomorrow, I guess.'
Although she was trying to disguise her feelings, Kara knew her friend was disappointed. She hated seeing that look in Lena's face, and knowing she'd caused it only made it worse. 'Maybe we can hang at my place tonight? We could order pizza and ice cream, and I believe Alex was going out with some girl, so we'll have the place for ourselves.'
The idea of being all alone with Kara in her apartment made Lena's heart beat out of control. She had denied her feelings about her friend for too long; she knew she liked her, to say the least. The blonde girl was all she could think about, and it made her nervous being around the other on their own. Nonetheless, Lena understood she could never tell Kara how she really felt - Kara could never feel the same way, and it would definitely ruin their friendship, the only friendship Lena'd ever had. So, she was decided to avoid those annoying feelings until they faded away.
'Oh. Are you sure? I mean, if you want to go get some rest, that's fine, Kara. Honestly, don't worry about me.'
Don't worry about her? Was she serious? All Kara could do was worry about her friend. She wasn't about to let her down, she could not do that to her. She loved Lena in a way she'd never experienced: not like a sister, like Alex, but also not like she had loved Winn, her friend. No, this was different... Still, what could Kara know about human relationships? Maybe that's what friendship felt like on Earth... It didn't matter to her the title of her feelings, all she knew was that they were there, and were unlikely to go away.
'Lena, listen to me.' Kara said using her serious voice, grasping her friend's face between her hands. 'We're going to go home now, order tons of pizza and ice cream, and watch a cliché movie. And you can't even pretend to hate it, okay?' Kara was fixating her eyes on Lena's, their faces so close they were almost touching.
Lena was completely taken aback by Kara Danvers, as usual. She swallowed slowly, trying not to look into her clear blue eyes, but it was impossible to resist them. How was Kara Danvers, the smartest woman she knew, so oblivious to her feelings towards her? They were right there, in front of her, and the blonde girl seemed unable to see them. If she was being fair, though, it had taken Lena herself a few weeks before she discovered Kara's big secret. She continued looking down at her friend, until she finally broke the tension. She left Kara's grasp, turning her sight anywhere but in her friend's face, and managed to respond.
'That sounds perfect, love. But I warn you, I'm bringing my best wine with me. Shall we go now?'

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