Part Two

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Surely enough, completing the responsibilities of the Disciplinary Committee alone was not an easy task, seen as a certain someone seemed to enjoy causing trouble.

All of Eir's efforts in her position were directed towards Loki, leaving everyone else to do as they pleased, though they hardly presented any issues.

One day, the fiery-haired god released one of his pranks during class, filling the room with pink smoke.  When the smoke evaporated and everyone's coughs seized, he had gone missing.  Thus, the girl felt as though it was her responsibility to bring him back to class.  She searched the entire garden and academy for three hours, yet he was nowhere to be found.  That is, until he became bored of hiding and decided to jump at her, scaring her senselessly.

Preoccupied with the trouble-maker, Eir hadn't thought much of anything else occurring until Yui pulled her aside to speak with her.

"I’m sorry about this, but can I ask something of you?"  The human girl's voice sounded nervous, but she still smiled.

"Of course." Eir responded with a nod, her emerald orbs showing warmness.

"I'm sure you're aware of the so-called 'Going Home Club...'"  Yui rolled her brown eyes sarcastically.  "I kind of encouraged everyone to join a club at one point, and Loki decided he wanted to create his own club.  Thor followed him, and they seem to be causing trouble... I was wondering if you could 'supervise' their club, seen as you are the only one here who can be considered responsible..."  The girl sighed, silently praying that the goddess would agree.

Eir sighed deeply, closing her eyes dramatically.  "I don't see why not... it will help me to keep control of Loki."

"Really?!" The human's expression brightened.  "Thank you so much, Eir!" Without further conversation, she hurried off to some unknown direction.

"Guess I better go find them..." The brunette murmured to herself and turned to walk in the opposite direction, clutching a few notebooks to her chest.

However, as she did so, she bumped into something, or someone more specifically. With a short yelp, her legs gave way and her notebooks slid from her arms, sprawling across the relatively vacant hallway.  The goddess's clumsy feet ended up causing the person she had run into to fall as well, barely keeping himself from crushing her body as he loomed over her.  

Eir met a pair of surprised silver eyes as long, red hair brushed across her cheeks, which wore nearly the same color.  "Loki!"  Her voice squeaked.

As soon as she said his name, he quickly leapt to his feet, his cheeks becoming a bright crimson color as his steely eyes focused anywhere but on the girl.

"I'm sorry..." She mumbled as she kneeled down to pick up her notebooks.

"Uh, yeah..." Loki scratched the back of his head nervously, trying to cool his blush.  "Anyway, who were you trying to find?" He tried to talk in his usual teasing tone, but his words were shaky and unconfident.

"You and Thor, actually." Eir shook the embarrassing thoughts from her mind.  "It looks like I'm joining your 'Going Home Club.'" She sighed again.

The Norse god rolled his eyes with emphasis.  "Great..." He groaned.

"Hey!" She yelled in protest. "That's mean!"

"Yeah? We won't be able to have fun with you in our club..." He pouted.

She huffed dramatically.  "That's not true! I just won't allow you to break any rules!"

"Lame... You're such a buzz-kill."  The corner of his mouth twisted into a smirk as he was eager to see the goddess's defensive reaction.

Ablaze (Loki x OC & Thor x Balder)Where stories live. Discover now