A Dream Unachieved

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A dream unachieved

A dream left a dream

She sat up wide awake on a cold winter night

Looking through her window

As the street lights ignite

Her mother had told her

One summer day

A dream unachieved

Isn't actually a dream unachieved

Because it always leads to something better

Something bigger

Something unexpected

She was questioning this statement today

Is it even true?

That a dream unachieved

Is the start of something new?

She saw it all shatter today

She thought her life was cursed

Her fingers shook as she processed it

Her lips trembled

"I don't deserve it anyway" she mumbled

Tears threatening to fall out

"Nothing good ever happens to me" she grumbled

That night she didn't sleep

That night she only thought

That why dreams unachieved

Is all she ever got

The stars faded slowly

As the moon sunk

She still hadn't slept

Because of a question still hung

The snow on her window pane

Began to melt away

And that's when she realized

She'd been up all the way

She suddenly feels drowsy now

Suddenly wishes to sleep

Her mind begging to shut off the cruel world

But her eyes continue to weep

She rubs her eyes all teary


As her eyelids feel heavy

Wanting to fall into the world of dreams

So eventually she lies down

To escape reality it seems

She dreams of a perfect life

She dreams of gowns and ballrooms

Pilgrims and hotel rooms

Grey geese and gold plates

Diamond rings and no aches

She dreams of parties and richness

Success and no illness

Crystals and cars

Chandeliers and bars

A perfect life indeed

A perfect life she didn't need

She woke up feeling a little empty inside

She realized she didn't need no pride

She thought she was crazy to not want a perfect life

Who doesn't?

But her little trip to a perfect, dreamy life

Just didn't have no thrill

She thought

Not every dress looks good with a frill

The excitement to achieve a goal

The pain when you see it go

The happiness when you see it grow

It just wouldn't be there

In a perfect life

Because a perfect life

Just isn't perfect enough

So, maybe, just maybe

Maybe it is true

That a dream unachieved

Is the start of something new


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