Dylan's POV

Her eyes were blood red, not the brown I was used to. Her hair was no longer short but went to her lower back. Everything was different about Amanda but I knew it was her. I had lost a whole year without her and my mind was set on making her mine again. No matter how long or how hard, I am going to get her back.

She continued to stare at me, hatred in her eyes, fangs protruding out of her gums and grazing her soft lips. The only noise in the house was the harsh breathing coming from her.

"You're beautiful," I say without realizing it. Her eyes grow wider but quickly go back to the small slits.

"Not yet," is all she says before launching at me and grabbing onto my head. I have no time to react, only thinking about the two words she just said. Pain shoots up my neck as a loud crack fills the room and my vision goes black. What does she mean by 'Not yet'?


"Are you ok?" Delilah asks when I finally wake up from having my neck snapped.

"Where are we going?" I ask, confused on where we were. I was no longer at Amanda's place but in a car driving down a bumpy road.

"Don't worry about it," is all she says before turning the music on to drown me out. My main objective is to find Amanda and make her mine and yet I was in a unknown area doing god knows what.

"Where's Amanda?" I ask, concern evident in my tone. She ignores me and continues to drive. My brain is telling me to drop it but my heart rejects that thought. "Stop the car."

"No, you're just going to go after Amanda," she states.

"Of course I am! I thought she was dead when she was avoiding me for a year," I grumble as she turns the music up louder. What is her problem anyway?

"She was avoiding you for a reason. You just need to let her go," she sighs and brushes her hair out of her face. My heart stops at the thought of that. How could I just let her go?

"Do you even hear yourself? I love her and she loves me," I laugh.

"She loved you. If she's been ignoring you for a whole year, that means she doesn't love you anymore," her words hurt me and makes me think that it's possibly true. Does she not love me anymore?

"Either way, I need to see her. If she doesn't love me, then she has to tell me," I admit but I know that that's not going to happen. If she doesn't love me, I'll make her love me. I won't stop until she can't get enough of me.


Amanda's POV:

"What the fuck was that?" I growl out at Elijah while he speeds down the highway. He saw me, and I couldn't kill him. I'm more pissed at myself than anything.

"I don't know what's going on! Either way, I had it under control," he yells and turns the wheel harshly to get in the next lane.

I slightly turn towards him but not enough to see in the backseat. I'm not ready to face Christen. "Under control my ass! He was throwing you like a fucking doll and you did nothing!" I exclaim and bang my hand against the door, making an odd cracking sound.

"If I did anything, he would have killed me," he hisses and honks the horn at people.

"We'll it looks like we're in the same boat now," I explain and grab his phone that's hanging out of his pocket before chucking it out the window.

"What the hell?" He grunts before pulling the car over. I grab his arm and keep him in place before catching a glimpse of Christens wide eyes.

"He found us because of your stupid phone. He tracked us once and he'll keep doing it so he can kill me," I explain and let go of his arm. He simply sighs and pulls back into his lane.

I decide it's time to finally talk to Christen. She's probably confused about everything and confused at why I'm being such a bitch. I turn to her to immediately be embraced.

"You don't understand how much I've missed you," she whispers into my ear while nuzzling her head into my neck. I hug her back and say "I know," before backing off to explain.

"I'm sorry about all of this and for forcing you to come with us. I just think it's safer than being at home," I explain as she beings tearing up again.

"I'd rather be with you than by myself in the stupid house with all our memories," she sobs before grabbing my arm and caressing it. I grab hers back and immediately feel sad. I've been avoiding her this whole time because I thought I'd feed off of her but now that I'm here, I don't feel the need to at all. All I feel is lonely.

"I'm sorry for not being here for you," I begin but all she does is shake her head.

"I get why you didn't. You went through changes that I'll never understand and probably never will and if space was the best thing for you then that's all that matters,"she explains and wipes the tears that have run down her face.

"I just wish things could have turned out differently," I bow my head and feel the soft touch of her hand  caressing my cheek. Suddenly the car comes to a halt and Elijah clears his voice. Our attention goes straight to his stiff figure.

"We're here," he roughly says while opening his door and exiting.

Rogue (18+)(Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now