"W-why me? Why couldn't you just leave me out of this. You figured you meeting me was intentionally, I was the key to get to my dad because he killed your brother, b-but why? Why get me to fall in love with you, trust you, MARRY you. If all I was-was just some plan? You could have just kidnaped me an Killed me. But instead you used me like I was-am nothing, why? Why Charlie? I love you."

The boy was in full tears now.

Charlie went on his knees in front on the boy holding Leo's head between his hands. "No,no,no Leo you gotta understand. I love you...I love you so much. I didn't plan on falling head over heels for you, I didn't plan for you to be this beautiful an have such a infectious smile and laugh. I didn't plan on you being this fucking amazing and so amazingly perfect.

And I'm so sorry I hurt you. I am...but at the same time I can't help who I am Leo I'm sick and I'm fucked up. But for once in my life, I found someone who looked at me differently, who understood me, who actually truly loved me even more and deeper than my brother an that was you...and I couldn't just let you go, please baby I'm so sorry." His tears were like silent waterfalls on each side of his face."

Leo took the time to go back and really hear the things Charlie had said, And yeah he's a sick murder but even after all of that. He can't bring himself to hate this man crying in front of him. This man was the love of his life, his air, he happiness, his world, his husband.

So yeah...even after all of that, he still loved him.

Leo looked Charlie in the eyes, his eyes sparkled from his tears. He ducked his head and crashed his lips into Charlie's. The kiss was filled with so much. Pain,passion,anger,love,promises,Confort, and safety.

Charlie reached behind Leo and untied him. As soon as the boys hands was free he rapped them around Charlie's neck.

So many thoughts we're running through the boy. What did this mean for him, did this make him just as fucked up as Charlie, was he going to start killing people now. He quickly push those thoughts aside. ' not right now, just let us have this one night.' He thought

They made love, on the couch.

Soon after They fell asleep, that was until Lucas and Keith buss through the door. Startling Leo and Charlie out their sleep.

Charlie put a protective hand around Leo's waist and they sat upright on the couch, feet touching the floor.

He glared as he watched the to men point their guns in his face, moving to stand in front of him and Leo.

"You wanted me to fine you, Tada I found you...games over now let my son go," Lucas snarled. He was acting like Charlie was holding the boy hostage.

So to prove he wasn't he moved his hand from around Leo. they all looked at the boy, he never moved.

"Dad I know what happened, I know what you and Keith did...why?" Leo spoke up looking at his dad.

"HE KILLED MY DAUGHTER FOR GODS SAKE LEONDRE, HE KILLED YOUR SISTER! how can you even stick up for him." Lucas more angry now, Charlie had brainwashed his son.

"He didn't do it though, and even if so HE WAS STILL JUST A KID." Leo argued.

Lucas lowered his gun and went to grab the boy, Charlie pulled out his glock in the blink of an eye, moving Leo closer to his side. Giving the man a glare that said. "Lay one hand on him..I dare you."

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