Before the war

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Steve lay on his back on the worn sofa, doodling absentmindedly in his latest sketchbook.

The draft from the window caused him to shiver and snuggle further down into the old blankets. Looking up from his rather wonky drawing of a cat, he glanced at the ticking clock on the wall. 

"Buck should be home soon." he thought aloud. 

Looking at him, you wouldn't have thought Steve Rogers was a 24 year old. With his skinny limbs and prominent rib cage, he only looked to be a boy and upon seeing him- if indeed they noticed him at all- many a stranger glanced around for his mother.

His mother had, in fact, had passed away several months earlier leaving Steve broken and alone.

Except for Bucky of course. 

Bucky had not hesitated to take Steve in under his wing and had insisted that Steve move into his modest home. He was always there for Steve. Always.

'Til the end of the line.

Steve smiled gently as he tried to fix the cat's ears. 

He had no clue what he'd do without Bucky... Without Bucky, he'd be alone. Without Bucky... no. There was no without Bucky. 

He frowned a little as the cat's ear went wonky once again.

It was in this state that Bucky found him when he walked confidently into the room moments later. At first, there was no response from the skinny blond.

"That's it? No fireworks?" said Bucky opening his arms and pouting slightly.

"mm." came the reply as Steve tried and failed to get an uninterested expression to hide his giant grin as he concentrated harder on a whisker.

Bucky smirked at his antics and smoothly moved around the back of the sofa in the centre of the open plan room. 

"Whatcha drawin'?" he whipped the book away earning an undignified squawk from Steve as he tumbled from his nest and jumped to his feet to chase after Bucky who backed away, holding the book high and flipping through the pages.

"Oh that cat again eh? Ooh, and what's this? Another of me! Ooh yeah, look at that jaw, mm! Might keep this one, eh Stevie? How about that hmm?"

"Buck! Give it back! I nearly had that bit right!"

"Haha, not a chance shorty! C'mon, jump for it!"

"BUCKY!" Steve laughed breathlessly as he desperately reached for his sketchbook that Bucky now waved at arms length above him.

Laughing Bucky brought the book down to his chest. Steve quickly grasped its edges and held it for good measure. 

It was only now the two realised how close they were standing. Almost chest to chest (forgiving the height difference) and hands intertwined around the book. 

Neither was willing to break to moment (although they both knew they should) so Steve leaned into Bucky and Bucky did not stop him.

The pair stayed like that for a good while both knowing they should be debating the situation but instead just enjoying the closeness of each other. 

Then Bucky's stomach grumbled.

"Someone's hungry..." Steve mumbled into Bucky's shirt, turning his head to nose against his jaw.

Bucky laughed a rumble of a laugh that seemed to run through Steve's small frame. The two separated and Bucky, handing back the sketchbook, headed to the cupboards in search of something to munch. 

Steve tossed the book onto the abandoned blankets and followed his 'friend.'


Just a little pre-serum/pre-war Stucky before we time jump to the winter soldier :)

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