Chapter 36 . Tywin Lannister

Start from the beginning

"And this must be your wife." Kevan noticed the timid girl standing beside Jaime who remained silent the entire time. Aurelia most indefinitely stood out amongst the rest, and it wasn't only because she wore a grey dress amongst the deep red color everyone else was wearing. Her looks was that of the North, with her pale skin, brown eyes, and long brunette locks that went down below her shoulders. It was an immediate contrast in comparison to the Lannister's tanned skin, and blonde hair.

"Uncle Kevan, this is Aurelia Lannister." Jaime introduced them both, and Aurelia suppressed herself not to react to that name.

"Lady Aurelia, you truly are as beautiful as they say." Kevan complimented, as he took Aurelia's hands and kissed it softly.

"You flatter me, Ser." Aurelia gave him a polite smile in return.

"Jaime you are one lucky man to have her as your wife." Kevan commented,

"The pleasure is all mine." Jaime told his uncle with a wide grin, as he placed his hand on the back of Aurelia's waist. As soon as she felt him, Aurelia pushed his hands away much to Jaime's annoyance. "Excuse us, Uncle but we are quite weary from the journey. It'd be for the best if we rest first." He said,

"Actually, your father wishes to see you Jaime." Kevan informed, "Including, Lady Aurelia." He added, as Jaime turned his attention to Aurelia whose expression slightly faltered at the prospect of meeting Tywin Lannister. Jaime knew his father through and through, and fears that he would make Aurelia feel miserable by acting ruthless towards her.

"All right, then." Jaime replied, and Ser Kevan led them deeper into the camp.

Aurelia's heart began to grow rapidly each step she took. Tywin Lannister was known to be ruthless and cunning. He lived up to his reputation by commanding the Sack of King's Landing; an act Ned Stark found highly intolerable. He understood then that the Lannisters were not the kind to put one's trust in. Tywin's personality enables him to eliminate anyone without mercy in any way he sees fit. That was what happened to Elia Martell and her two children when Tywin commanded the Mountain to murder them, and the knight did so in the most brutal fashion.

"Is that the fate that awaits me when I come face to face with Tywin Lannister? Will he murder me as a message to send to the Starks, or will he torture me for my mother to agree on returning Tyrion Lannister unharmed? Will Jaime allow him to do that? Will he not protect me as I hoped he would when I cared for him? Jaime may have hurt me, but it is him that I feel the most safe with at this place."

Aurelia's thoughts churned with burning questions as she finds herself entering Tywin Lannister's tent, with Jaime walking ahead of her. Tywin Lannister stood in front of a wooden table with a dead stag atop of it. He was an extremely tall man, slightly taller than Jaime. He exuded an air of coldness, appearing to be strong and calculating. His presence was intimidating to Aurelia. All the bravery she put up as a facade suddenly disappeared as soon as she saw him. Tywin finally turned around to see his firstborn son with Aurelia standing beside him. He had on an expressionless face, while Aurelia managed to stay stoic. She would not tremble in front of him.

"Lady Aurelia, it's finally good to see you." Tywin addressed her, though it wasn't all that welcoming. "Robert Baratheon was right in marrying you to my son." He remarked, taking a step further. He could not deny that the whispers were true, and that Aurelia was of a great beauty.

"We should see about that." Aurelia replied, her feistiness showing through which made Jaime more tensed than he already was. He was certain that his father would never favor Aurelia as they were two opposite humans to their very core. The sentence did not confuse Tywin, as he was aware that Jaime's attack on Ned Stark caused a problem in his son's marriage with Aurelia.

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