A/N and New Chapter (Finally)

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(Sorry guys for not updating I've had major wrighters block for the past couple of weeks. And on top of that work and the holidays, but I'm back for right now.)

     I rolled my optics at the banging before jumping up and skillfully making my wake through the fainted humans and Cybertronians. 

     I got to the top of the cliff to see my twin sister Arcticwing siting on the cliff face looking at the setting sun. Soon I got a plan formed. I suck up to her and shouted. She jumped so high she nearly fell on the cliff. "WHAT THE FRAG SIS!" "T-THAT WAS H-HILARIOUS!" I managed to laugh out. She rolled her optics before giving me a hug. 

    "I missed ya sis." "It was only two days!" "Ya but it seemed like forever since we saw each other though!" We soon busted out laughing again before Arctic got a call. 

    "Lord Megaton, what is it? ... Yes sire, right away. ... No sire, I'm currently scouting for any Autobots. ... I'll be their in a cycle. Tell Soundwave to open the ground-bridge then? I have someone who wants to see you. ... Love you to sire." 

    Arctic looked at me happily. "Looks like your seeing sire now!" I jumped up excitedly. "Good cause its boring here right now with everyone fainting all the time with me revealing my actual self to them. You should of seen it, carrier fainted right on the spot followed by the rest after I told him my designation!" 

   We soon broke into more laughs before ground-bridge showed up. We walked through to see...


I NEEDED THAT! (Tsp Ratchet x reader) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now