"She's Dave's sister, her mum and my mum came way back so we are like siblings. she's like a family too, me we grow up spending weekends At each other's house but mostly they stayed with us because their mum is always traveling."

When he finished I couldn't tell what I was feeling, relief to know that it wasn't what I thought and embarrassed at how I treated her since she got here "WAW" I uttered.

Manik looked at me as if he was reading my thoughts "Don't worry she's not mad at you" he spoke after seconds of observing my expressions and continued talking.

"Nandidi i know nothing of what the future holds for me but i don't ever want you to not be a part of even if it's just as a friend"
He said looking down at the dark ocean from the ship's rail, Manik felt as though He was staring into an abyss.

"can i ask for your hands? i just need to hold onto something." He waited for me to go to him.

"don't just stare back at me,
come closer" he pulled me towards him

"i'm sorry for being the worst that has happened to you During this 6 months, i swear i'm trying to be less than that." He took my right hand into his and I look at it to see a passport with an air ticket.

"Manik" I look at my hand and look at him confused.

"I promise I will never hurt you again nor will you ever be hurt by something or someone that has to do with me," he promise kissing the back of my hand "You have a safe place here, Right here Nandini In my arms , whatever you want. However you want it just ask and it shall be giving, Whatever burdens you carry right now Set them free on me,"


"It's all settled, don't worry you're no more a fugitive, you can go back to your normal life and live normally with your family and friends. nothing and no one will bother you" he left my hand and I felt my heart separated from my lungs, was he leaving me, was he going away too? But where? And how did he beat me to it,

I stood still confused, unaware of what was happening and how it all happened. a part of me was happy because I really wanted to go home but Another part of me wasn't. I felt like I was still in the dark because I was still in the dark. Questions were raining in my head, I didn't know what to do or say or how to ask the simplest question.

"And you" I ask fighting the urge to cry.
my heart panting as if I had been running a marathon,

"I will be fine Nandidi" he got closer than he ever was, pulling a strand of my hair tucking it behind my back. "But wherever I end up we will still be friends right"

"Friends? Did he just say friends?" i mentally ask myself.

"right?" he ask handing me a small box and contact card " Nandini a lot has happened between us since we met and I don't regret any of it, I can't deny that I'm attracted to you and enjoy your company, I also can't hide the fact that I really like you"

he paused for a moment "but we are in a situation where other everything around us is falling apart, as your biggest investors are threatening to pull out, which will lead to your company shutting down, your mum is worried sick, Friends and employees career is on the line"

From curious to anger because what was happening was ridiculous again he has decided everything without my knowledge. I was really getting angry but I remembered Navya's advice and keep calm


"Nandidi please let's not fight this time " he spoke so softly I barely heard him. "Please"

"Fine then start from what happened last night , tell me everything I need to know" I gestured him to start talking.

"Okay friend"

"Friends..? I didn't agree to that yet" I replied as he smile and dragged me down to sit with him on the sand. I wasn't really happy just trying to keep things light,

He explains everything about his conversation with Cabirr since the gala, what led to his state last night, how I was allowed to go back.
He told me everything that I needed to know.

"I wish it wouldn't come to this Nandini but."

"It's okay Manik, it's really oo..Kay" I manage to say fighting the river of tears threatening to come down.

He was right we are in a situation where we have to put ourselves last and fix the damages done because of our recklessness.

"Hyeee..are you crying.." I ask wiping my face as I heard him sniffing.


"You lair come here" I place his head on my shoulder .

While ago i needed him to hold me tonight, little did I know I would be the one holding him together" look Manik it's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry and it's okay to be vulnerable. that's what makes us humans" he embrace me really Tight and grace me with endless forehead kisses. "We will meet again Nandini"

"I hope so" replying with a whisper I couldn't stop my tears any more and I couldn't say much.

Whatever happened was meant to happen and I respect his choice even if it hurts, even if I know another part of me breaks on the "friends" word I can't force anything on him is time to go our separate ways.

"Ummmhmmm Am I interrupting anything" Dave came out of nowhere , startling Manik and I

"We will talk tomorrow " he whispered leaving a small kiss on my forehead and walked in.

I swear I did see him fidgeting, when he was going, he looked back at me. The indifference was replaced by sadness in his eyes.

"Coffee" Dave ask holding two mugs.

"No, thanks. Sleep will do, see you tomorrow" I left him standing there and walked in with a devastated mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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