"Have a lovely day," she said, flashing her plastic smile at me as she left. All I could do was flash an equally fake smile at her with an irksome feeling deep in my gut.

After trying on all the dresses, I only found one that I liked and actually fit me well. It was white and had rhinestones at the top, then a silky blue waistband and had white to blue ombré at the bottom. The dress was strapless and fell just above the knee.

OK, I just had to show this one to Hadley. I opened the door slowly and peeked out into the hallway. Just as I did, Hadley threw open the door to the stall to my left and strutted out.

"What do you think?" she asked, twirling in the three-way mirror. Her dress was gorgeous. It had a light pink corset on the top and the rest of the pinkish-coral material reached the floor and flared out when she twirled.

"I love it. It really suits you," I told her, stepping up behind her.

"Now, let's see your dress," Hadley said as she stepped out of the spotlights and gently pushed me up to the mirror.

"I really like it! I love the colors, and the style really fits you well. I think you've found the one," Hadley said.

I smiled at her. "I think we both have," I replied.

"Y'know, even if you don't have a date, you're still gonna look beautiful. No matter what," Hadley said.

"Thanks. I bet you and Ansel will win prom king and queen," I told her.

"Eh, you never know... If you're ready then go ahead and get changed. I'll meet you at the register," Hadley said, patting me on the back and heading back into her changing cubicle.

I took longer to change than Hadley did. When I walked out of the changing rooms, I saw Bree hovering over Hadley by the far wall. I ducked behind the racks and started to sneak over to where the pair were standing.

"Look. You better watch your back, 'cause Ansel is mine. Tell that to the little midget girl too," Bree spat.

Midget girl?! Anger surged through me as I listened to the rest of their conversation.

"Never. Ansel is my date, not yours," Hadley said.

"Whatever. You don't stand a chance. Neither of you do. Hope you enjoy your ugly little dresses," Bree said.

I stepped back a bit to make it look like I had just walked up.

"Hey guys!" I said as cheerfully as I could.

Bree took a few steps back. "Oh, hello again Mallory! Didn't see you there. Well, I better go. Bye guys!" she said quickly, waving to us as she speed-walked out the door and tripped over her own feet.

"What was that all about?" I asked once she was out of earshot.

Hadley just shook her head. "Don't know. Let's just go check out, OK?" she said, heading over to the counter.

Hadley helped me pay for my dress, which I was very grateful for. We both got lattes from Starbucks before she dropped me off at my house early that evening.

Before I knew it, it was the day of prom. As much as I had been dreading that night, I was actually pretty psyched as I pulled my car into the school parking lot. There were students milling about on the lawn, throwing streamers and whatnot. I parked my car in the space right next to Stella's and headed inside.

"There she is! You look gorgeous! C'mon, Rosemarie and Dash are in there waiting for us," Stella yelled to me. She had been lingering on the steps waiting for me to arrive, and we strutted into the gymnasium like the bosses we were.

Detention With Elgort (Ansel Elgort)Where stories live. Discover now