It's Just A Cold

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"Mama, I don't feel so good." Linda had gone to her mothers bedside at midnight. The tired little girl rubbed her eyes with one hand and dangled her favorite dolly in the other.

"Why, darling?" Agnetha was just about to fall asleep. "Come here, let me feel you." Though she did not have a fever, Agnetha was worried she soon will have one. A few days ago she felt her daughter was not herself, more tired than her usual energized habit.

"My stomach hurts." Perhaps this change of seasons and cold air and warm air had been the cause, she thought.

"Come, lay beside me. I'll make something warm for you to drink." Linda managed to fall asleep after an hour of tiring her mother with telling her stories. Both fell asleep holding each other. Throughout the night, Linda would wake up and complain about her stomach ache.

The morning came around shortly after. Linda was still feeling ill and did not want to get out of bed. Her temperature was rising and she had an upset stomach which had her vomiting throughout the day. Agnetha had made sure to give her medicine and let her sleep.

"Björn, I can't come into the studio. Linda's too sick. I won't leave her."

"Is she alright?" Björn was worried, though he understood it may just be a cold.

"Yes, she might have a fever, though."

"Anna, can your mother stay with her?"

"Are you serious, Björn? No, I won't ask her. There isn't a chance I'll leave the kids, especially when one is sick and can't leave the bed." With that she had ended the call on him.

Björn knew that he shouldn't have said that, but he realized it too late, as usual. I've got to remember to think before I say something, he thought to himself. Clearly, Agnetha will misunderstand him each time.

Throughout the day, Agnetha stayed at Linda's side whenever she needed her and took care of Christian. They played, watched movies and cooked together.

At dinner time, Agnetha tried once again to feed her ill daughter, but she wasn't accepting food. She refused to take a bite of anything.

"Darling, why won't you eat? Is your stomach still bothering you?" She was clueless what to do now. Even her mother advised her, but none of her mother's advice worked, she asked Frida but even Frida did not have an answer.

"No. My stomach is better now," her daughter had tired gloomy eyes. Perhaps she's just tired.

"Will papa come today?" She asked.

"No, I don't think so. He's busy with work, you know that, dear." She paused looking into the blue eyes of her daughter. She wished she could say he'd be joining them again and it's only another late night at work, but those days are gone. "Come on, open up," she held a spoonful of soup to her lips.

"No. I won't eat," Agnetha helplessly sighed. "I want papa to come."

"If he's here, will you eat?" When did everything between Linda and I become a negotiation, she wondered, and how am I supposed to let this continue?

"Yes, he can feed me." Agnetha glared at the child and closed her eyes. She knew she had lost and now had to call Björn.

"Damn it," she mumbled under her breath, putting the bowl down and walked to the phone on the wall.

She knew Björn would be at the studio still, even though it's seven in the evening. He was always at the studio even later when they were married. She called there first. Stig had answered to her call.

"I'm sorry, Agnetha. He's not here. He went home an hour ago." For some reason unknown to her, it upset her. He goes home early now to see his new wife. It was never like that with Agnetha, not after the first few years.

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