Chapter 2: Eliza

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Life was going by fast, at least that's what it seemed like. I'm supposed to have a happy life because that's what everyone said, they said I was beautiful. As if looks made everything better. Being beautiful didn't mean a guy wouldn't cheat on you, it didn't mean you wouldn't fail a class, and it certainly didn't mean you wouldn't eventually die. In the end, looks meant nothing.

All my friends had everything figured out, but I felt lost. I thought I at least had one thing down, love. I know it sounds cheesy, but having someone to tell everything too, that is always there for you made things a little better. A little piece of me felt happy, but then it all got ruined. I've come to the realization that love might not be for me or maybe it's just that I never chose the right person.

I haven't dated much and maybe that's because I'm picky, but it's not bad to be picky. I don't just want someone who is attractive, I want someone who is funny, who can keep a conversation going. Maybe my problem is that I'm a romantic and romantics don't find true love because we dream of this perfect guy, and they simply don't exist.

But enough of my love life, right now I have bigger issues, like college. My friends and I were starting a new semester, so we were getting books. The bookstore was crowded being the first day back at school. School wasn't exactly something I was good at, I knew I could do better if I put the effort, but relationships always distracted me so I guess it was a good thing that I was starting this semester single.

"Are you guys ready?" Mia asked, holding her books up.

"I'm done," Mandy said.

"I still need to get one more book," I told them. "But you guys go ahead and get in line, I'll be right there."

My friends were great, I didn't know what I would do without them. We had been friends for years now, they were like sisters to me. Mandy was the sweet one, the one that would listen to your problems and always have great advice. She was the shy one. She knew where she was going, she had her whole life planned. At times, I felt that Mandy was perfect. On the other hand, Mia was the fun one you could say, she could brighten your day, make you laugh even when you felt like you couldn't. She was confident, she was the life of the party. We were all so different, yet we somehow complemented each other and made our friendship work.

Mia was the one that made Mandy and me go to parties and come out of our comfort zone. Mandy was like a mother figure, she always encouraged us and helped us achieve what we wanted, along with making us do our homework. They both brought something to the friendship and when I thought about it, I didn't know what I brought to the friendship besides uniting us all, and I guess that counted as something. We were all friends because of me.

I turn to look for that book and quickly find where it should be but with my luck, there are no books left. I sigh, knowing it's my fault for leaving things to the end.

"You need this book?" A guy asked. It's the book I need.

"Yes, but I can see you got the last one," I say looking at the book.

He smiles. "I actually don't need this book, I was distracted and grabbed the wrong book," he said giving me the book. For once my luck seemed to be turning around.

He then grabs the book next to the one where mine was supposed to be. "This is the book I need," he says embarrassed.

I smile. "You saved me, thank you."

"Of course," he said before he walked away. I couldn't help stare after him.

"Who was that?" Emily, my sister, said from behind me.

I turn to face her. "I don't know," I honestly tell her.

"Well whoever he is, he was gorgeous."

I smile knowing she is right.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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