~°Living on the countryside°~ (2/12)

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Name: "Oh hello there welcome to Falter Oaks, I'm Amanda" the girl said as a greeting./
He whistled "What a fine ol beautiful day we have hear cant you smell the freshly cut corn? I'm Jack by the way!" He held out his hand to shake yours.

Age: she softly smiled "Dont you think that's a little rude to ask? I'm 25"/
"Oh darn, me? I'm 24" he smiled wide with a uppity tone.

Nickname: "Well I go by Amy that's if people get to know me long enough....." she felt uneasy/
"My dad used to call me JD since my last name is Dickens" He chuckled.



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Personality: "I'm not sure I'm the one to tell you this but I'd like to believe I'm nice, hard working, and strong" she hummed a bit

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Personality: "I'm not sure I'm the one to tell you this but I'd like to believe I'm nice, hard working, and strong" she hummed a bit./
"Oh darnest! I'm very cheerful and got a big personality! I like to joke around and the town calls me very friendly" he chuckled

Likes:"I love the sunset. The colors it brings and as it washes away all the darkness kinda gives me hope for the new day everytime I see it" she kindly smiled./
"I like to farm just like my dad and his dad and the dad before him. It brings me to piece at all the little cows I get to milk and the crops I have to harvest" he said in a good mood.

Dislikes: "You may find this a little weird but I dont like the darkness that's when the monsters come out...." She was shivering/
"Well you didnt hear this from me but I'm not alone on this here ranch there are things youd have to see to believe"

Occupation: "W-Well I'm a farmer just like my pa taught me to be" she told sternly/
"Oh who you talking about now? Clearly if you havent noticed I'm the owner of this fine ranch" he smirked proudly

Pets: "I dont really think of them as pets I like to think of them as little friends. There are these rabbits that live somewhere on this farm and they visit me and when they do I give them carrots" she blushed a bit./
"Little buck over there! I delivered him and took him in once his ma died. Hes going to be the strongest bull I've ever did seen" he nods in determination.

Sexuality: "I'm straight if you couldnt tell" she nervously laughed/
"Why I'm pansexual baby everyone looks so darn cute to me" he smiled wide.

Backstory: "Well I'll maybe tell you another time...." she said going quiet/
"This ain't the tine for that!" He shook his head in concern.
(Long ago a farmer had bought some land and planned to settle his life there. Though he didnt know that the land he bought had a witch living under the ground. The witch wasn't all to happy with the farmer planting on her land. So she cursed the soil to which every plant that is in the soil at 3 in the morning will dig itself out of the grow and merge with the other plant to create a monster. The monster will search for blood of a human either on the farmer or on the ranch. These guys grew up listening to their parents telling them these stories, and were ordered to lock their door every night. One night He/She got out of bed and went to check on the crops and not even a foot out the door a monster was charging at them. They closed their eyes and when they opened it their dad was in front of them being scratched by the monster repeatedly. The dad did not move until the morning where the monster unmerged and the plants placed themselves back where they were first. That morning the dad had died from loss of blood. The son/daughter then swore that they will not leave this place till they find an end to this curse)

Other: "My mom moved put to the city and I'm working alone on this ranch now." She sighed in despair/
The boy nervously laughed looking away "I'm the only one working here after both my parents died so I'm very busy"

Scenario 1: You were walking diwn the street carrying on your marry way when I flyer hit you in the face. You kinda need a job since you just got fired so you look down and see that a ranch was hiring sone extra hands. You couldn't imagine how good your luck was and you immediatly got in your car in case anyone else was applying for the job. You pull up to the gate and see a boy/girl giving their house a paint job.


Scenario 2:Make it yourself

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