Chapter 2-The Rebellion

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"Weapon!" Lieutenant Rogers tried getting her attention, but she ignored him entirely.

Her lack of respect for his rank infuriated him, and her disrespect feeds his hatred towards her.

She glanced up at the man who stood in front of her and smirked at his feeble attempt to intimidate her.

"What you want Rogers?" She prided herself in the fact that she frightened everyone. They all locked her up when she was only eight-years-old. Every media outlet made her story sound as though she was a little girl possessed by a demon.

"Weapon, get ready for a mission. You have ten," Lieutenant Rogers ordered, trying to ruffle her feathers. She despised him as much as he hated her.

"Remember who I am. It's Ember, homeboy. You'll do well to remember that," She knew that saying the name would strike fear in the idiot, leaving him once again terrified of her fiery inner power. She wanted to maintain the upper hand.

Ember only had one name, and it was the only name that she knew. She couldn't remember her birth name. For years, she tried to remember what her real name was, but she couldn't come up with something. All she remembered was the day that the government came to her school, and they took her into custody. She didn't know what was happening at the time. She was terrified because they ripped her from her parents' arms and threw her into prison.

She could still remember that fear in her mother's eyes. The horror. The Terror. The image of her daughter as a monster. Ember knew exactly why her mother had such terror in her eyes. Her daughter just caused an explosion at her school.

The fact that her parents allowed the government to take her was the only memory she still had of them; the moment her father abandoned the idea that he had a daughter.

Knowing that Rogers demonstrated signs of fear, he immediately stomped out of the cabin to inform the Commander that the weapon was ready. She watched the Lieutenant scamper off and took satisfaction in that he ran from her in fear.

Within her captivity, she reminded time and time again of the incident ten years ago. The soldiers called her freak, satan, demon, and many more despicable names. She knew that the media wasn't too far off. She was never possessed by a demon, but she was haunted by a broad, dark power that she had since her birth.

No one took the time to understand her. Once she was labeled a danger and liability, the government locked her up, and they used her as a "weapon." She realized at a young age that she was the property of the United States Government. She knew no other way of life except using her gift.

"Hey, guard," Ember wanted to give a little payback by messing with the guard's head. He refused to move his body, but he still acknowledged her.

"What monster?" He allowed his hateful remark to seep through the slips of his mouth. He heard an evil laugh fill the cabin's atmosphere, so he started examining the entire compartment.

He saw nothing, but Ember, who was laughing hysterically. He saw the devil in her eyes. The inner flames of her psyche filled her irises with a fire like no one had ever seen. The temperature in the cabin rose, making it impossible for the guard to breathe; the material of his weapon melted and burned his hand.

The guard's charred hand dropped the gun, whisking his hand in agony.

"Fuck," he screamed. " What are you doing demon?" The guard frantically searched for a breathing apparatus, so he didn't suffocate and die.

Ember continued her evil laugh to show them what a demon indeed was, "Oh, I'll show you a demon, asshole." Particles of her soul melded with the particles in the air. The movement of the particles became lucid and rapid as her thoughts. Without thinking, the temperature of the cabin increased tremendously.

Ember: Psionic Existence File #1 Where stories live. Discover now