Writer's Block

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Face it. I have it, you have it, we all have it. It's inevitable for a writer to get writer's block. Our brains aren't machines that can keep going forever and ever. But we can get past it.

What even is writer's block?

Writer's block is when you're writing and you're brain undergoes a system wipe. Suddenly, your mind goes blank and any ideas has gone down the drain. You forget what you were gonna write and you don't know how to continue the story.

Ah. Now that I know what writer's block is, how do I get past it?

What I like to do is, reread the chapter your working on. This will get the brain going again with ideas. You could also picture it as a movie, or as if your the main character. Think, what should happen next? If you really can't get your ideas flowing, try taking your story down a different path. If you wanted to just jump straight to the end, but don't know how to get their, try making another scene, such as the weather gets bad and they need to take shelter, where the main character learns a lesson, or asks them self a tough question. If your mind is completely blank and you've spent half an hour on it, then that's just your brain's protesting for a break. Go eat or read a book or lie down on your bed or couch. You could also watch TV. Just do something non-writing related.


Hello. This chapter was really overdue.

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