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The title should be short and easy to remember. It should be related to the story, yet not give too much away.

How do I know if I have a good title?

You'll know if it feels right. If you can guess what the story is about from the title, you need to get a new one. For example, if I see "Chaos's Army" as a title, I can guess multiple things. It will be a Percy Jackson fanfiction where he joins the army most likely at the top of the ranks because he is Chaos' son and he joins because Annabeth cheated on him, most likely with Percy's brother, and he runs away and meets Chaos. I can also guess Percy is very overpowered. Then Percy has to return to earth because of a mission. I also guess he'll be able to bring people back from the dead. If this is not the case, and you can't guess what the story is about, you're good.

How do I come up with a title?

Well, think what your book is about. List what's gonna happen and your ideas down on a piece of paper. Then make a summary. Think of multiple titles, see if they fit your summary then choose your favorite.


Summary: Chad was an average six grader. Until a war occurs and his home is suddenly no longer safe. He and his family must flee and make it to America. It's a long journey from France though, and hurricane season is coming. Will his family survive? Will Chad survive? Find out more in ">insert title here<"



Run away.

The Ocean Journey.

The Fiery Heart,

The Dragon of Russia.


Well we can cross off "The Dragon of Russia." and "The Fiery Heart." since they have nothing to do with a French family going to America because of a war. "Run Away" is too general and could mean any number of things. "The Ocean Journey" won't fit since part of the journey is on land. Which leaves us with "Escape" and "Help". Personally I would choose "Help" just because it intrigue a reader.


Hello! Hope you enjoy this new chapter!

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