Chapter 2

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After an hour or two messing around with people, putting snowflakes in people's drinks and tripping people with Rapunzel's hair (Somehow it got regrown). Anna comes back with the guy with sideburns probably heading towards Elsa.

"This can't be good" Jack said out loud

"Let's go over and have a look of what's about to happen" Rapunzel replied cheekily


Chapter 2-Disaster of a Party

"Elsa!" Anna calls. "Oh, I mean queen" she corrects. "It's me again, I present Prince Hans Of Southern Isles" She introduces

"Your majesty" Hans says as he bows

Both: We would like...

Hans: Your blessing...

Anna: For...

Both: Our marriage

(Back to Normal)

"Marriage?" Elsa asks completely confused

"Yes" Anna answers cheerfully

"I'm sorry, I'm confused" Elsa says still completely confused

"Well, we haven't worked out some of the details ourselves, we'll need a few days to plan the ceremony....Oh we can live here" Anna said in a bit of a rush.

"Here?" Elsa asked with anger bubbling inside of her.

"Absolutely" Hans replied as excited as Anna

"We can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us..." Anna said excitedly

"No, slow down" Elsa said getting tired of this bullshit "No one's brothers are staying here and on one is getting married" Elsa exclaimed

"Wait, what?" Anna said with a voice full of sadness and confusedness

"May I talk to you, alone?" Elsa asked in a voice just above a whisper

"No" Anna said rudely "Whatever you have to say, you can say to the both of us" Anna exclaimed

"Fine" Elsa said in a sassed kind of tone. "You can't marry a man you just met" she completed simply

"You can if it's true love" Anna shot back

"Anna, what do you know about true love?" Elsa asked

"More than you, all you know is how to shut people out!" Anna yelled harshly

"you asked for my blessing, and my answer is no, now excuse me-" Elsa said sternly

"Your majesty, If I may" Hans interrupted

"No, you may not" Elsa shot back "Now, I think everyone should leave, the party is over, close the gates" Elsa says to everyone clearly

"NO, NO, NO, WAIT" Anna yells while accidently grabbing Elsa's left glove instead of her wrist

"Give me my glove" Elsa demanded

"Elsa Please, I can't live like this anymore" Anna pleaded

"Then leave" Elsa says simply

What did I ever do to you?" Anna asked demandingly

"Enough Anna" Elsa says so only Anna can hear.

"No! Why, why do you shut me OUT, why do you shut the WORLD out?? What are you so afraid of??" Anna asked like a nosey five year old

"I said ENOUGH!!!!" Elsa screams while making a barrier of spikey ice.

"Sorcery!!" Mr Weasel town-, oh I mean wessleton shouted

Elsa immediately fled from the scene

(Dun DUn DUN!!!!)


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