2: Regret

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3 days later...

Natasha was getting better and in 4 hours or so, Loki was ready for his departure.

She was trying to forget the happenings by making herself busy with missions especially after her baby's death.

She was sitting on a sofa in the Avengers' Tower and Clint was approaching the serious widow.

C: Nat

Natasha looked at him and he swear it was almost a glare that looks like she wanted to kill him

C: Wanna hang with some guys today?

N: I see you're interested in guys now huh?

Finally, he saw his bestfriend. He sat next to her.

C: Now it's you.

N: Well yeah, always

C: How are you?

N: Good

Then there was an awkward silence they both don't know how to break. Instead, Thor walked in with his mortal outfit and a sad emotion plastered on his face. It was his niece too afterall

Th: Lady Natasha, I'm hear to apologize behalf of my brother

C: Oh yeah? Can he like... Respawn his baby?

N: Clint! That's Thor and not L-loki

Th: Lady Natasha, me, apologizing is not enough. I would like to ask you to come to my brother's cell and both of you could talk

C: No! Natasha don't!

Natasha took a deep breath and looked at Clint with her lips pressed in a thin line.

N: I-I ugh... I need to talk to Loki, Clint

C: Nat don't be stupid

N: Clint I need to, I have to okay? Just-Just understand me this time

Th: Lady Natasha, I'll escort you

Natasha stood up with confidence, Clint glaring at her for being 'stupid' as he watch her disappear in his sight.

Not long enough, Thor and Natasha has arrived on Loki's cell, two agents guarding the door as both of them entered.

N: Thanks Thor, you can leave me

Th: Are you sure? Will you be okay?

N: I will be

Th: Okay, I'll wait outside

With that, Thor hesitantly left Loki's cell and Natasha was left looking at Loki who was staring nowhere.

N: Loki

She slowly approached. At this moment, she remembered the first time they've talked with Loki inside this.

The widow thought at first, he was happy and feeling successful at killing his own baby thinking it was a toy he had to throw out. But no, he was on the floor, his back leaned against the glass and his hair was completely untied with him looking nowhere.

N: Loki

L: I see you've come to yell at me. If you would, save it

N: Shut the fuck up asshole! Did you fucking realized what you've done?! You've killed our child! Your child Loki!

L: Enough...

It wasn't a scream nor a firm command, but it was as if he was hurting.

He finally looked at her straight on her eyes and what shocked her the most was that those eyes that were looking at her before with anger was now full of regrets, pain and sadness that she doesn't know he has.

L: Enough Natasha. I've heard enough for me to realize what I've done to my child.

N: Loki...

L: Natasha... I've-I've seen it. I've seen it but I was being blind, I was being stupid.

N: What have you seen? Why are you acting like this?

L: I've him, I've seen our child, I've seen you with him playing and having fun while I-I was watching. I've seen us being a happy family Nat, and I... I missed the chance

N: You didn't missed the chance Loki, you declined it, you didn't want it

Loki bitterly chuckled

L: I dreamt of it, I wished for it Natasha. Because I wanted to be a father, so I could treat my child better than I was being treated when I was like. I wanted to make him feel loved and being taken care. I wanted to... But-

N: But you destroyed your own dream.

L: How are you?

N: And to think you're worrying about me? Why are you acting so nice suddenly?

L: Because I finally realized what I've done

The redhead crossed her arms across her chest, acting cold hearted but honestly, she somehow felt pity for Loki since it was his child, and he killed it without knowing it was there.

N: So you're leaving right now? You're getting a peaceful life in Asgard after this?

L: I do not think so. Every mistake I does, there will be consequences in which I'll learn.

N: Punishment. You're getting a punishment in where you'll suffer for killing your own child

L: I know. And I'll accept it. I always do, everytime. But I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again

N: Why is it always me Loki?! Why does it have to be me?! There are many people in this world you could enjoy and rape and have family with! I'm a monster Loki so why would you pick me?!

Her teeth was gritting, her eyes were glaring at him but her body was trembling, afterall, he's a God.

L: Exactly Natasha. Because we're both monsters, I feel what you exactly feel, we were both the same, monsters you call it

Th: Loki, we're ready. Lady Natasha, do you want to extend some time?

Natasha turned her body and faced Thor, approaching him slowly as Loki watched her movements.

N: No

With that, Natasha looked at Loki over her shoulders and sighed, clenching her fist and preventing tears to flow down from her cheeks.

Th: Very well then, Loki, we will go now

Some agents went inside to guard Loki incase he'll try to escape, but it wasn't just 2 or 5 agents, there were more than 10 including Natasha and the Avengers.

C: Nat. Did he said something to you?

N: No, not at all. It was a small talk

C: Small talk but you took so long! I was worried about you!

N: Time is slower everytime you wait for someone. But never underestimate a trained assassin and spy, Clint

C: I never underestimate you Nat, but he's a God. Not to mention he'll break your bones in a second.

N: Shut up

The Bifrost was ready, Thor and Loki was ready to go.

Loki looked at Natasha who's eyes were locked with his. He managed to force a small smile and mouthed I'm sorry before they go.

And since then, Natasha had nightmares with him talking, but it doesn't seem like a nightmare, it felt real, his touch, his voice and his presence.

Or was it just because she was too affected by Loki going and for the first time apologizing?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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