Chapter 2: A New Arrival In a Small Town

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*Percy POV*

I arrived at the airport in my red Lamborghini. Heads turned to look and study the car, then the eyes of the people looking started to study me up, probably trying to decide if I was rich or not. It really annoyed me when people do that. Don't they have something better to do? Anyway, when I got to the airport I went up to the check-in counter, thankful to the gods that I no longer have to worry about being in Uncle Zeus' domain. The Lady who I saw was named Ruby, by the name tag pinned on her navy blue pantsuit, looked me up and down. 

"Aren't you a little young to be traveling on your own young man?" I just sighed and brought out my fake ID that Hermes gave me, and slid it across the counter in between us. She looked at it, and apparently deciding it was real, (wrong) handed it back to me and started typing on her computer. 

I decided to ask her about any planes that left for Forks Washington in the next hour or so. "The next plane to leave, will depart in an hour and fifteen minutes. Is that alright?" she looked at me as if daring me to say no.

 "Yeah that's fine." She clicked onto a page and showed me a graph of the plane. Lots of seats were green, and very few were red. " As you can see, that town does not get a lot of visitors. We have three first class seats left, and about eighteen coach seats. Each coach seat costs about three-hundred and fifty dollars, because of how long the plane ride is, and each first class seat costs about nine-hundred and twenty five dollars. Would you like a first class seat or coach?" Not wanting to act snobby, I decided to get a coach seat,(No offense to anyone) despite the infinite money I had. 

I handed her the money in cash and she gave me a ticket. I read it, trying to figure out where the gate would be. It read, Gate eighteen. Security was a breeze, not many people heading out of town on a Monday. Although, I was still surprised since it was like the middle of the afternoon. I had a little extra time, but I just went straight to the gate. If I got hungry on the plane I could just use Lady Hestia's blessing.

The Lady at the entrance of the gate announced that we would be boarding soon. I got up and stood in line, near the front so I did not have to stand there for a while. As I walked up to the front of the line, more and more people started following behind me.

"Hello may I see your ticket please?" The Lady asked. Not wanting to call her the Lady anymore, I looked at the nametag on her shirt. It read Brianna. I handed her my ticket and Brianna set it on some green scanner. 

"Great! I hope you enjoy your flight on American Airlines!" I thanked her and walked onto the little mat which lead to the inside of the walkway that we would step on to get on the plane. People greeted us as we stepped inside the plane that would be taking me to my new home. 

I prayed to the gods that my flight would be as smooth as possible. The take off was easy and the pilot announced over the speaker that this would most likely be the easiest flight of the year, due to the weather circumstances. Overall, the whole plane ride was easy, and the people on either side of me were nice and left me to my own things, while they listened to music or read. We finally started descending, and the pilot announced that the flight would last ten minutes longer. Me, having the window seat, could see the big lush forests of Forks outside my window. 

The planes landing had not been that rough, and soon the sign said we could unclip our seat belts. As we got off the plane, the pilot and co-pilot waved  goodbye and wished us luck. I went to collect my luggage from baggage claim, which was not much because the only thing I brought was the suitcase that Hera gave me, since that could give me anything. 

I pulled out my car keys and thought of a car that looked just like the bat-mobile, and let me just say, that the car was awesome! I drove to the address of my Uncle Charlie's. Apparently he had been informed of my arrival of my dad, who had been undercover as a police officer. As I pulled into the driveway, I saw an old, beat up looking truck in the driveway, and also a police car. I knocked on the door, luggage in hand, my nerves tingling. 

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