home visits

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Three days later I picked up an excited Emily from home wearing a dress that came down to the top of her thighs. It was tight all over and very revealing. Just what the doctor ordered.

We went through another five-minute consultation before I was once again kicked out of the room. I had asked if I could leave her alone but Emily had said she preferred that I was just outside. Dr Ray, or as Emily had become know to call him, Ray, smiled at that. I think he understood the innocence of the eighteen year old.

I came prepared with a book this time as I watched about ten men go in and out of the clinic before the 90 minute insertion was complete. This time I paid the bill, amounting to far more than I had first thought. But it was worth it. In fact, I realised we may have to cut back on some of the other spending in order to continue the sessions. Dr Ray suggested that Emily come again in a few days and then twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. He also suggested that we should start in-home insertions. They would not take as long, and would be performed by one of his trained practitioners.

After consulting with the wife, we decided we'd give it a try, as the more fluid entering our girl, the sooner she would be free of the worry of boys. So the routine started, with Mondays and Thursdays becoming the days Emily looked forward to. She said Ray made her feel so good, it felt like a burden being lifted, all her pent up stress being released. And after the clinic she would be in a state of tired bliss. I loved to see my girl happy, and that is what she was. Often she would come home from school the next day and say she still felt the fluids inside her, making myself and my wife happy with the treatment we were paying for.

On the Friday of the next week, we organised for a first in-house insertion, expecting the man to come at 8pm to deploy the fluid in our daughter. At about 8.20pm a knock brought us both to the door, finding a well-built man standing at the door. He looked like a businessman in his suit, crinkled from a hard day's work. We invited him inside and he complemented my wife's looks. She is quite pretty and I agreed with him.

Emily came downstairs in some old pyjamas, barely containing her little rump inside her shorts, and plenty of belly showing beneath her pink t-shirt. The practitioner became nervous, but decided he must get to business, as he was already late. He asked if there was a place for her to lie down, and we suggested her bedroom. "That would be great," he said, and followed us all into the bedroom. He then said that would be all, and asked us to leave him to it.

"Have fun baby!" her mother said before the door closed, the last thing I saw was Emily falling back onto the bed with a big smile on her face.

We went back downstairs and waited while the insertion took place. We heard some movements going on, assuming the practitioner had begun, and after about 5 minutes, we heard Emily's voice. She was making moaning noises, which stopped and started and sometimes heard some screaming. I was tempted to go inside, but remembered that disturbing the insertion could lead to a loss of the fluid completely.

After about 40 minutes, the man re-emerged and came downstairs. He looked tired and told us the charge. We paid in cash, saving 15%, and he left. We went upstairs to find our girl sound asleep in her bed. I shagged my wife that night.

The routine continued for a couple of weeks, with two clinical insertions and the Friday home insertion. Emily seemed happier than ever. At school in the following weeks, Emily had her first lesson of history with the new teacher, replacing the one who had taken leave. Emily immediately recognised the man as one of the practitioners who had visited her house, and after class, went to talk to him. Mr Lee, as all the students called him, was nervous as she approached him, and asked her to wait until all the students had left the room. He then disclosed to Emily that as a doctor for Dr Ray, he was not allowed to teach one of his patients, saying he would get in big trouble by the school and the doctor's agency. Not knowing what to do, Emily said that he would have to quit one of his jobs then, as it was not right, and she was brought up to go by the rules.

The big, Mr Lee was reduced to his knees, making their faces about level, as he pleaded with her not to tell, and then gave her a proposition. He offered to give her a weekly injection for free. This did not convince Emily until he reminded her of the costs her family was paying and the amount that could be saved just by keeping her cute little mouth shut. Finally she agreed and was made to promise not to tell anyone, not her parents or even Dr Ray, that the fluid deployment was taking place. Emily agreed, but only if he gave her an injection of fluid that afternoon. So the teacher told her to meet him in his office after classes, and gave her a thorough deployment while she lay goggled on his desk.

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