Chapter 8 - The Dark Secret

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Song: Smoke and Mirrors - Demi Lovato
(The song is only for the P.O.V of Ryan, you can also play it while reading, if you want to. + I will add this _ when it starts and where it will end)

Ryan's P.O.V:
"They tried to kill my mother and now they want me dea...d" That was Sophia's last few words while she was shot with a sleep dart that knocks you out in seconds.

I should have listen to her the other night in Costa Rica, she wanted to tell me sooo badly, why did I not listen to her!! Ugh I'M SOO FUCKING STUPID!!😡😡😡

Luckily I caught her in my arms just in time before she hit her head to the floor.

I see who it was that shot her. I puted her on the sofa and tugged her in and placed a soft kiss on her head and used my super speed to catch this bastard who shot her, and believe me I will make this person pay for what he or she did to her.
I finally got this person and I took off the mask and I see who it was, Damian Fucking Wayne.

"DAMIEN!!!!!!, why the FUCK did you SHOT HER, OH I'M GONNA KILL YOU, SON OF A -", "WAIT!!, I can explai-- WOAH!!!" He said while I threw him into the air and pulled him to the ground. "You BETTER explain".


I hear a low groan and went super fast to Sophia and saw her holding her head down in her hands. "Ugh, I'm never gonna party like that ... again", I couldn't help to laugh and next thing I didn't noticed was a hard pillow hitting my face and I fell down to the ground and I hear her laughing, it's cute to see her laughing, I love her laugh.

I picked up the pillow and I walked to Sophia and sat down next to her and she puts her head on my chest, god I love this woman so much. "Morning Handsome", "Morning Princess" I said with a smile and she tried to hide her blushy face.

We sat there for 10 minutes and she stood up and went to the kitchen and suddenly I hear some pots and pans fall and a omh.  I started to get worried and mad. I ran to the massive kithen and then I saw the girls on each other (well all three of them on Sophia) , they started to giggle and laugh. And I accidentally coughed (well more like a "ugm - uhm")

"Oh....sorry...who are you and what are you doing in our BESTII's HOUSE!!!!!" Christie asked, more like demanded. "Girls, this is Ryan...we work together at the agency" I say while I try to hide my blushy face, he just laughs and pulls me closer to his side. Oh god, did he just did a move on me... Damm I love this already.

"Sop, I think that we need to make our ashame special for breakfast" Khanyi says while she rubs her head and growns, oh I try to keep in my laugh. "Oh Khayni, I think we need it ASAP".

We made our 'ashamed special' and I saw that Ryan was sign calling me to come to him and I excused myself from decorating the table.

I went to him and then I started to worry, his face isn't right. "Ryan what's wrong?", "My father called me and he wants us to meet him at the headquarters now, get dressed quickly" I listened to him and I told the girls that I need to go and that they can hang out here.

We arrived at the headquarters in 20 minutes and then we head into the boss's office and I suddenly saw my family..oh shit, why are they doing here.

"Agent Young, I thank you for coming to this meeting. We need to tell you something" Superman told me. My mother stood up and gave me a hug and I started to cry when I saw her crying aswell. "My little cheetah, oh I can't believe it's been so long, I've missed you so much", "Mum, is it really you, I...I thought that...your....dea..d" and I started to cry on the word 'dead'.

"Sophie, I was NEVER dead, I was held hostage by your uncle and then they saved me, so I will never ever leave you again" Gloria said, her mother. "Why did he held you hostage mother", "He held me hostage, because.....Sophia, Your father...isn't actually your father..he is your father"

I couldn't believe own FUCKING SUICIDE uncle is my actual father. I started to cry very hard and then I blanked out of my vision. Last few words I heard was from Ryan, "Sophia.....SOPHIA.... don't worry"

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