Even though Hyungwon knew that guy had nothing on him and couldn't possibly overpower Hyungwon - even if he was stronger, Hyungwon still had his weapons, he still couldn't help but to feel scared. "I think he can leave work whenever he wants to," Hyungwon tried, still sounding like he didn't suspect anything.

"I want to keep you company, though," the man moved the hand from the headrest to hold the back of Hyungwon's head. "I think you're very handsome."

Hyungwon smiled at the man's words but inside him, he felt the most disgusted he had ever felt. He had a hard time controlling himself, preventing from pulling out his gun and emptying it inside this guy's head already. He couldn't believe he was going this far to get that car.

The hand on Hyungwon's thigh moved closer to his crotch area and the anger inside of him jumping through the roof. He grabbed his revolver from his jacket by the barrel and smashed the grip part of it against the side of the man's head. His head hit against the side window and started bleeding.

He was surprised by this action and it took him a while to realize what had happened. He turned to Hyungwon again, ready to lash out at him with both hands, trying to grab his neck. Hyungwon gave him another hit on the same part of his head and managed to knock him out. Hyungwon let out a deep breath, as if he had finally managed to escape the situation and now he could focus on trying to figure out what to do with the unconscious body he had, most importantly what would be the best way to kill it.

He put the gun back inside his jacket to focus on getting the body out if the car. He looked around to see if any cars were coming, then opened the door to get out. He put his arms around the man's upper body and pulled him with, having to use his whole strength to get it over from the front seat. His anger was giving him a lot of extra power as he dragged the body along the forest, arms under the man's armpits. 

He had taken the duct tape he had bought for Hyunwoo with him and once he got to the destination, which was the edge of the cliff, used it to tape the man's hands and feet together to make him unable to run away once he would wake up. Realizing he didn't want to hear the man say another word, he taped the mouth shut too.

Hyungwon stood in front of the man to wait for him to wake up, trying to recover a bit from the disgust his body was filled with and to calm his nerves. He wanted to do this without any errors.

It didn't take too long for the man to come back to his senses and as he did, his expression became confused for a second before turning to a scared one when he realized he was in trouble. He struggled to sit up and Hyungwon knelt down to get on his level.

"You must be a real asshole, right? Are you a pedophile?" he asked, pressing the tip of his knife on the man's temple, where there was already some dried blood from it hitting against the window. As an answer he only got frantic, muffled yells. "If I was the police, I would throw you in jail again, but since I'm not, I'm gonna throw you off this cliff instead."

Due to being tied up, the man couldn't do a thing, not even get on his knees, take out his hands and plead. Hyungwon thought for a while whether he should take out his gun and put some bullets inside this guy already, but decided this time he wanted to see blood flow more.

Hyungwon let his blade sink into the chest of the man and dragged a line across the whole body, blood splattering out and covering his hand already. The man seemed pitiful as he tried to squirm his body to avoid Hyungwon but ended up not being able to do anything else but to scream into the tape covering his mouth.

Fast forward ten minutes, Hyungwon had a dead body laying in front of him. He stared at his creation like it was an art piece. The word 'pig' had been craved on the stomach of the man but the letters were hard to read since so much blood had flown out of then. Hyungwon's whole body felt weird, he wasn't sure if it was disgust.

He grabbed the man by the hand again and pulled him closer to the edge of the cliff. Soon enough he already saw the body falling forty meters and then disappearing under the water. He didn't get up and leave just yet, though, and instead sat on the edge on his knees, staring down at the water and wondering what he had just done. It wasn't that he regretted it, he just always got a weird feeling after killing someone, especially now that it had been something more than just a bullet in the head.

The time he needed to gather himself wasn't too long and he then wiped his hands on his shirt - though he couldn't get rid of the blood since it had already dried - walked back to the car, got on the driver's seat and started driving away. The Jaguar felt nice to drive and it was the most rewarding thing.

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