Her birthday

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Fires pov

I showed my friends around yesterday and I'm starting to rethink my plans no wait a minute Fire you can stop being a burden you can leave.

I'm in school right now no one remembered my birthday typical and guess what even though it's New Year's Day we still have to go to school I hate my life and I'm not joking my knife is in my pocket just one slit and I can end it all.

I still remember my first cut.


I'm running home and trying not to trip to not be more useless then I am already.

When I got home I felt like dying I just got humiliated in public AHHH why does avarice do this to me why I got home and ran to my bathroom and looked at my army knife I place it on my wrist one cut will change èvęrŷthïńg despite my conscience telling me not to but I do I slit my arm the dripping blood felt mesmerising it's dark colour dripping on my arm.

It felt so wrong but again so right.

End of flashback

A tear goes down my face as I remember then the assembly starts "ok guys if anyone has an announcement before the assembly come up to the stage" said the head teacher fire sighed and got up

Everyone was staring at her as she walked up and took the stage she grabbed a mike and talked into it "hello!! My name is fire!! You guys have pushed me over the edge!! And now I am not gonna  take this shit anymore!! YOU WONT HAVE FIRE TO PUSH AROUND AND HURT ANYMORE!!!" Fire shouted into the mike and grabbed the knife and slotted her wrist a fatal wound if not treated in time my eyes rolled in my head and I collapsed to the floor

No ones pov

"FIRE" shouted atsume izzie and Elma but shocking jace as well the murder weapon cast aside and jace picking her up in bridal style and shouting "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" shouted jace and someone did cause they heard sirens and rushed inside it they all prayed even though Elma was Muslim and doesn't believe in god she is desperate for her friends safety they all stared at her in hope and wondering when she will wake up....

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