Chapter 4

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|::. Jack's P.O.V. .::|

I had flown into town with full intent of finding Pitch and questioning him, but wasn't quite sure where to start. I eventually found myself in front of Jamie's house once more. I wasn't sure whether to go apologize or pick up my pace. I didn't want Jamie to hate me but, there were other things that needed to be done, so I continued on.

I was about two blocks away from his house when I saw the dark figure walk behind a building. It didn't seem to be in a hurry but it just might be who I was looking for. I flew the the top of the building it went behind and looked down. Below, I saw Pitch, walking slowly, his head down. Now time to see what this bastard is up to.

I slowly floated down to the ground, in front of him. He didn't notice me until I let out a small cough. His head snapped up, but he looked so different than he had in the past. The circles around his eyes were darker, but in a way that made him look more tired than evil. His eyes did, in fact, look sad and droopy, as if holding years of sadness, of which they probably did.

He said with a smile, although, his voice didn't sound cheerful at all, "Hello, Jack. Long time no see." He wore a black jacket and jeans, almost normal looking attire. He shoved his hands in his pockets, acting like an awkward teenage boy.

"Yeah, very funny. What are you doing back here? And how?" I prodded. His frown deepened, a small crease forming on his forehead.

"I... I'm not completely sure how I got out. I just sort of woke up out here. I don't even know what to do anymore. I've been stripped of all my magical powers..." His voice began to crack and he looked like he could break down at any time. I almost felt bad for him. "...and people still can't even see me. Except for you and all the others who hate me."

I started to feel bad. I know I should never forgive him for the things he has done but doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Whatever was down there, must have changed him. He is so much different than the last time I saw him. Which I guess is a good thing.

"I... I don't hate you," I say cautiously. He looks up at me, a glint of hope in his eyes. And to think, I was intimidated by the person before me at one point. "But I also don't necessarily like you yet. You have to earn that." My mouth was now moving faster than my mind. What am I doing? I can't just let the person who almost destroyed all of the children's hopes and believes in guardians befriend me!

Pitch came up to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I felt nervous and uncomfortable, as he too were taller than me. He was cold and boney. He really must have been miserable down there...

Guess I had no choice but to befriend him...

|::. Jamie's P.O.V. .::|

I was silently through my window at Jack staring at my house. I wasn't sure what he was doing... He stood there and watched for a little bit then just left. I wonder what he was thinking. Why he came back. Why he left...

I decided I would go after him. I felt bad for kicking him out and for (gulp) kissing him. I probably gave him so many mixed feelings! And to make it worse, I blamed it all on him. He probably didn't have a single dirty thought about me but my horny teenage body told me he was putting the moves on me. And I kissed him!

I jog down the street he'd gone down. I had to find him and set things straight. I think I see a speck of white hair turn a corner and jog faster to find him. When I turn the corner however, there is no Jack in sight.

I slowly walk down the street trying to find him until I come to a small alley. I see him and another dark figure. I hid behind the corner, just barely peeking my head out. I strain my ears to hear, but can't hear anything but mumbling.

I'll Be Your Guardian (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora