Listen to the Clock~ Dangerous

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Human sanity is fragile. Be cautious.

If you want to lose your grasp on reality and destroy your complete sanity, just listen to the clock.

But this will not be easy, let me tell you right now. This is not something to mess around with. It's just an easy way to lose your mind within the confines of your own home. But there are a couple of guidelines to follow. First, pick a room with no windows.

It can be a room for anything, but it just can't have windows. Second, you can start at any time in the day, even if you wish to start at night, for the process will take exactly 24 hours to complete.

Third, cancel all appointments you have for that day, turn off your phone if you have to, for there can't be any distractions for you to focus on. Fourth, make sure it is a calm and quiet day outside, and not windy or storming outside. Lastly, to start the process, you must go into the room you picked, put a clock inside (the clock must make the distinct 'tick-tock' sound when every second passes), turn off the lights, and light a candle. That candle will be your only source of light.

Once you have done all of that, I honestly want you to ask yourself one question, "Do I really want to do this?" If your answer is yes, then may God have mercy on you. I'm here to merely prepare you on what to expect. Alright, let me tell you a little bit of information about the procedure. Back in the mid-1800s, radical members of the Christian, Muslim, and Islamic faith used it as a way to "connect" with God. It was kept under wraps due to its extreme nature and unusual method to connect with the supernatural.

During the procedure, they would have been in constant prayer and worship, but would eventually stop due to the events that would happen afterward. The clock represented life on earth, and how short it can be, and the candle represented God as the only way of guidance through life. More often than not, each person that would go through the procedure would lose their minds and within a day and due to their insane actions, would kill themselves from what they claim to have seen. But if you were one of the lucky ones, you can keep your sanity, like me. Okay, now here is what to expect:

The first 3 hours are the least eventful, mainly because nothing really happens, but prepare yourself in these hours. These are the only hours in which you may choose to leave the procedure.

In the 4th hour, you will not be able to escape by any means. The lock on your door will lock by itself and you will have no methods to move it.

In the 5th hour, you will start to sweat profusely and will start to have feelings of anxiety. You will start to look behind you many times, and every time, there will be nothing there.

In the 6th hour, you will hear noises. Not noises from the house or from outside, but thuds and thumps throughout the hour in ten-minute intervals, with each noise getting louder.

In the 7th hour, you will pass out, and dream. But this will be the only pleasant hour throughout the process. You will dream about the best moments in your life. Every great accomplishment, wonderful memory, and friends you have made will appear before you. It will have been the best dream you have ever had in your life. Even events from the future can appear.

At the beginning of the 8th hour, you shall wake up. But when you do, you will feel an extreme sense of elation and comfort, similar to the effects of smoking marijuana. Now, for some, this could be considered another pleasant hour, due to the feeling of the drug, but what comes after will be the start of your suffering.

In the 9th hour, you will, in a sense, go from one drug to another. Your feelings of happiness will change to that of extreme adrenaline and energy, similar to the effects of any stimulant drug. But a warning, you must try your hardest to keep yourself under control. You're unpredictable, there is no telling what you will do in this state.

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