Chapter 3

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       Since no sunlight could come through the Dojo except for in the observatory, it was hard to tell what time it was most of the time. I began to stir awake and sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I glanced around my room which was still relatively messy, but then the memories of the nightmare and Eskimo's comfort came flooding back. I smiled softly to myself and got up to stretch and looked into the mirror. I saw my raven hair messily flow down to the sides of my face and a few locks of hair going down my face between my eye and nose. My green eyes were as bright as always and my grey specs rested on my face, and my green suit wasn't too dirty so I decided I'll wear it for a day or two more. I looked away from the mirror and walked to my door opening it and leaving my room. The hallway stretched far but I could see the automatic doors on each end. I jogged towards the kitchen and could hear a ruckus going on within there before even entering the kitchen.
     "JAY STOP I SWEAR TO GOD," I heard Eskimo scream and more stomping and giggling noises from Jay. I poked my head in and saw Eskimo drenched in water and chasing Jay who was faster than Eskimo who had wet clothes dragging weight on him. I just kept staring at how with each passing second, Eskimo became more and more sluggish chasing Jay. Jay eventually outran Eskimo and ran out of the kitchen, his laugh echoing in the hallways and fading away. Eskimo stood and leaned against the counter, and I just snuck up on him and noticed how absolutely drenched Eskimo's green shirt and dark jeans were.
     "So..." I started the conversation with a grin on my face, "looks like you had a bath." He glared at me in response and then formed a small smile while trying to catch his breath.
     "Asshole left a bucket of water on top of my door and it spilled on me a few minutes ago so," he explained to me and I chuckled picturing that scene in my head.
     "Even tho he's an ass you know you love him," I told him, "and your still hella gay for him," I added with the biggest grin.
     "Damn straight I am," he responded in a rather deeper voice than normal. I wheezed at that and wiped away a tear from laughing, or well, mostly wheezing.
     "Well I mean if it's gay then it isn't damn straight so..." I stuck my tongue out at him. "It's damn bent over and getting fucked in the ass," I wheezed after I said that and Eskimo erupted with laughter. We both laughed for a little before stopping and awkwardly standing in silence. "So, any more missions or runs to do get more credits or cool stuff?" I asked him. He shrugged and pushed his glasses up on his nose.
     "We could go get some Kavat DNA strand," he chirped and a spark in his eyes ignited. I stared at him and pondered if I really wanted to try deal with keeping them still again to scan them.
     "Hmmm," I glanced at him and saw his eyes waiting for my response, that spark still remaining. "Alright bet, lets go," I finally responded and Eskimo smiled.
     "Alright! Ill meet you at the ships!" He yelled happily and took off in the direction of everyone's rooms. I sighed happily and grabbed a glass of water before heading to my ship. Jogging down the hallways can leave someone confused if they weren't in our clan, but was easy for me. I walked in the landing area and saw my green and black ship waiting. I hopped in it and went to grab my warframe. I stared at all the warframes I owned and was pondering which to bring to the Derelict, staring mostly at my Ember Prime and Rhino prime. I glanced at both again and started to equip my Ember prime piece my piece. I finally got my helmet on and felt the flame on my head turn on and a baby blue flame emitted from the top of my head. I walked over to my navigation and pushed my mic button on the side of my head.
     "Yo you ready Eskimo?" I asked and got an immediate response from him. 
     "I've been waiting for eons now for your slow ass," he sighed out and I watched his green ship start to take off and out of the Dojo. I soon followed and let him lead the way to the Derelict where I hope we would be able to get at least 1 Kavat DNA Strand.

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