Chapter 1

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"CaN YOU NOT JAY," I screamed at Jay as he teleported me backwards and further away from what we were defending. I heard him burst into a laughter as he bullet jumped through infested and slashing through them all, slicing them in multiple pieces. I growled quietly to myself but felt that half smile on my face from amusement. I swept through a few of the infested and sliced a few of their feet off or just in half with my scindo prime. It was heavy to carry but manageable, and my Frost prime was able to carry it no problem. I looked over my shoulder to see a trail of dead infested and Aj chilling in my snow globe on the objective. I nodded at her and she nervously smiled through her Excalibur helmet then proceeded to shoot a few infested entering the bubble with her Paris bow. I sighed and noticed we were on wave 19, and with each wave, more and more infested swarmed into the room we were defending.
"How many more waves are we gonna do?!" I heard Aj screech while swinging both her gang prime blades around stabbing and slicing through a few of the infested but not all. I dashed over to her to help get the crowd off her but Eskimo beat me to her. Eskimo sent slicing blades to the infested which killed all that surrounded Aj.
"Wow always beating me to it," I playfully glared at Eskimo who smiled widely back then went back to finishing off the rest of the infested with Jay.
"We only need to do this last wave Aj then we can leave," Eskimo yawned right after telling her, and stood still to catch his breath quickly before the last hoard of infested came flooding in. I saw a hoard of chargers and leapers swiftly move towards me and I begun firing arrow after arrow at them with my Dread bow, not missing a shot and sending a few flying backwards. A few begun to claw and bite at my Frost suit and out of instinct, I used my avalanche ability and froze all the infested surrounding me and watched a few shatter into bitter nothingness. I glanced around me to check on my clanmates and saw Eskimo and Jay swiftly and almost effortlessly killing the infested while Aj hid within my snow globe and trying her best to defend the point. I saw parts of the snow globe begin to crack and noticed how low it was. Before it could shatter and letting Aj get surrounded again, I bullet jumped towards her and formed a new snow globe around the both of us and the objective, but I felt the last of my energy drain from my systems. I nodded at Aj and twirled around while swinging my scindo prime into the decaying bodies of the infested. After a minutes or two, the numbers of infesting swarming in lessened and lessened, till eventually I saw the last charger. I began running at it and swung at it but before my blade could make contact, I saw i was no longer in front of the charger but now falling into the pitch darkness of an extremely deep hole. I gripped my scindo prime hard and used the wall to jump upward before falling too deep and grabbed the edge and pulled myself up. I glared at Jay who was laughing like no tomorrow.
"Jay I ALMOST HAD THAT LAST KILL," I screeched at him and saw his amused grin never weaken.
"Guys look!" Eskimo interrupted and showed us the relic we got.
"Oh fuck yes," Jay's deep voice replied while snatching his relic from Eskimo. Eskimo then handed me and Aj our relics before we headed to our ships to head back to the Dojo.
"We made a lot of credits that run guys," Eskimo said through the coms. I was flipped into my ship and saw the welcoming green walls and floors. Snork my kubrow barked and panted while sitting next to my navigation centre. I headed down to my foundry and saw my Valkyr prime and Nekros prime being built and having a day left. I sighed and leaned against the foundry while watching it very precisely and slowly build my frames. I walked away and headed back to my navigation centre and watched the stars and planets our ships were passing while making our way back to the Dojo. I couldn't wait to just feel my comfy bed and warm blankets when we got there, and maybe some food before a nap. Just as long as Jay or Agent don't try to bully me before i make it to my room again. I sighed and smiled at the thoughts, thinking how they annoyed me at times but also brought spice and joy to life.

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