26|A U T H O R S N O T E

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Hellooooo, my beautiful readers, so here is my next book, just warning you, there's only one chapter so far, so I will be working on that book more, and please read below,matter I've said what the name is.
It's called : End game & 7 Rings|Eva Black {3}


Here is a schedule for when I'm writing what stories, and I'm telling u because then you'll know when to expect chapters.Also, if you don't see a chapter out, and it is supposed to be out on that book, probably because your in a different country than me?also this schedule isn't just for this book.

Mondays, Wednesdays - This book will be updated on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Tuesday, Thursday- I will update Loren Dove Haydes•-
Friday , Sunday - I will update Kit Snicket.
Saturday -I will update Once Upon a Time-Lysara Potter

P.S IF YOU ARE GOING TO READ THESE BOOKS, then please read the first book to it, if you want to read Once Upon a Time, Lysara Potter, PLEASE read, Nightmares, Draco Malfoy.

Xx love y'all, see you guys in my next book.

Love y'all!

Demonic Sorceress| Evana {3}Where stories live. Discover now