03 |M E E T I N G S

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"YOU GONNA HOLD your wand out?Guess what Moody?You didn't say you were gonna hurt me"

I sneered in a dark voice,I had changed since I was put in here.Moody simply stared as the other familiar faces jaw dropped at how I had changed.

Then a voice hissed,"I told you!He should never of put her in here in the first place,how will Sirius feel,his daughter locked up-?"

Then Moody snapped,"Black!Have you used that one way mirror your dad gave you?"

I laughed,"I gave it to Kreacher weeks before I left for this place,I gave all my things to him,you don't know what he would do for his Mistress"

Moody's eyes narrowed,"For?What did you make him do?"
Threatening,he held his wand out,I rolled my eyes,"I won't say anything"
He raised the wand higher as I scoffed.

"Unless....you hold your bloody wand down,what's got your wand in a knot know?"
Moody growled as a voice muttered to him,"She's trying to get to you,ignore it and listen"

"What?I guess you didn't come here for some fun and games I guess?Well,I'll give you five seconds....or Ill burn you alive,and we both know what I mean..."

I started giggling madly as I finished the sentence,my face turned serious,my hair still pale,my eyes pale purple turning dark...

Moody put his wand down and sighed in defeat.
"Kreacher.....let me remember........"
It had been a few minutes as I started to try and find out what he wanted.

"Tell me girl!"Moody growled then I snorted.
"Hold ya horses"

Then I spoke up,"Kreacher told me some...things about what the Malfoy's,Lestrange's and my mothers side of the family,the Beumaneirs are planning..and well being the kind person I am,I kept it a secret,and I'm not telling anyone"

Moody raised an eyebrow as it was simple,the other Order members felt there jaw drop.
As Moody raised an eyebrow I added,"The people who agreed on Dumbledore's behalf to do this to me"
"Well,we're lucky,I didn't want this to happen-"

There were a few sharp glances to him them he nodded.
"We're getting you out of here Black,whether you like it or not,so-"

"Hey!You can't do this-I'll set the place on fire-!"
"To late"Moody growled as an Order member put a spell on me,then as the Order members eyes met mine,I recognized those eyes,and only one person belonged to those hazel brown eyes,and it was her godfather.

He looked away as my dark purples met his.
"Where are we going Mr J?"

I asked my godfather,he looked up alarmed saying,"Weasley's-"

Then Moody gave him a glare to do some,thing,and looked at me,"I've heard you've been trying to apparate out of this-"He waved his hand over the cage,and I felt something soft hitting my face,"So,your going to apparate to the Weasley's,it quite different but-"

"It'll be a pleasure!"

I said with sarcasm dripping in my voice,but worrying who'd be there,Ginny,Ginny,Ginny-

Moody interrupted me growling,"Apparate then!"
I glared then nervous wondering if any spell would hit me of trying to use magic in the cage,then as I flicked my wrists,purplish and greyish smoke surrounded me,Smoke Apparation.

I landed in a nice living room,warmth hit me,something I hadn't had in weeks,or even months,then three pairs of eyes were on me.

"I'd appreciate if I wasn't being stared at"

Then my purple eyes concentrated in who it was,three red heads,one woman,two men.
My purple eyes widened,"Mrs Weasley-"
Then I was engulfed in a hug and I heard chuckled from the other two red heads.
Mrs Weasley eyed me,"Why-isn't your metamorphagus skills not working dear?"

"I can't use them anymore"I answered truthfully,"If a Metamorghi has witnessed death,or has been locked up long enough to express there feelings...."

Mrs Weasley nodded,"This is-"
"Bill and Charlie Weasley,Ginny told me..."

I answered nodding at the red head with fangs as earnings and another brown eyed one with freckled skin,Molly looked at me looking sorry that she brought it up.
I raised my arm mid way to shake there hands,the boy with brown eyes shook it,"I'm Charlie,that's Bill,so you haven't lost your sense of manners in that place-?"

I muffled a laugh,"No,I haven't"

"Ow!Mum!So,Heard your friends with Fred and George-here they come!"
Fred and George walked in once they spotted me they gave me there Cheshire Cat grin,as I answered truthfully still muffling my laughter,"Someone has to keep them controlled"

They both scowled as Fred said,"Watch what your saying missy,or you'll wake up with a new haircut tomorrow"

"Your mother will kill you and hang your heads from the ceiling as a warning"I said plainly.
Charlie and Bill laughed as Charlie said,"I like this one"
They opened there mouths to come up with another threat but I beat the, to it,

"And if you pull anymore pranks on me,I'll show our mother this,and I'm sure she won't be pleased"

I held up a photo of Fred and George with long beards in front of the Goblet of Fire,that was from 2 years ago.
Then George scoffed,"Mum won't care,that was 2 years ago"

"You sure about that?What about the time you 'accidentally' poured truth potion in my drink in the start of my first ever year at Hogwarts,and about,the next summer your mother nearly killed you?"

Charlie and Bill muffled there laughs as George said,his eyes wide,"You wouldn't"The same time Fred said furiously,"We've got to get rid of that picture!"

"Hey what's this noise-Oh"

A small voice said and cracked mid way as my purple eyes met brown ones,my eyes widened as the red heads body was in my arms,her head laying on my shoulder,I felt a wet patch on my hoodie that was dirty from staying in it for for weeks,and hell,even months.

"I told you I'd never ever leave you again big sis"
Ginny felt me raising an eyebrow wondering if it was true,she said something that made me believe that the brown eyed girl with red hair and freckles wasn't a ghost.Or she wasn't imagining,she wanted to cry.


Exactly 1111 words,not including this!Omg this is my intro to guys after my second book!Hope you like it,by the end of this book(which will be in like 1 month)i want more than 50 reads please or more than a few followers.

I'm not forcing you,but I would love it,since I found out Guinea pig has gotten cancer only a few days ago,and my sister literally broke into tears,My birthdays soon too!If not by the end of this book,at least by my birthday,October.Also,anyone who's seen the movie,can you guess what I've made the first bit about?Suicide Squad.It came Into my mind when I was thinking about the description.And then with James Potter,I stole the name Mr J from Suciude Squad,the Joker,and then put it as James.

Love you all,Karni_R xx

Also,I know I haven't given you Evana's OWL results,she got Outstanding in all of her classes but Exceed Expectations in Muggle Study's.

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