"Yangyang, Kunhang, what a please t surprise!"

"Second time we've heard that today."

"Aw, come on in. I'm sure Chenle is in his room with his face attacked to Renjun's. I'll let you two be the ones to see it! Go on." The woman casually said as she pushed them towards her son's room. Hendery mumbled something inaudible under his breath as they walked towards the room.

Silence. With the exception of the woman moving around in the kitchen to probably cook dinner. Just a Hendery put his hand to the door to knock it opened to reveal Chenle, who was now screaming with Yangyang, and Renjun.

"YEEHAW! HOW ARE Y'ALL- wait how'd you get in?

"Your mom was opening the door when we got here." Chenle made a straight face then smiled then a straight face again. He let go of Renjun's hand and walked towards the kitchen with everyone following behind.


"I knew he wouldn't be when you said you're inviting friends over. I felt bad."

"He's too old."

"I am not!"

"Stan Stray Kids." Everyone looked at Yangyang. He put his hands up in surrender.

"He said it."

"Uh, okay then. Put the point is, if I don't say 'mom I'm inviting everyone over,' then it's not everyone I'm inviting! Include Xuxi Ge!" Xuxi sat back down on the couch mumbling about how he was never invited and that he isn't old.

"Chenle, you have to invite the old ones too sometimes." His mother said strictly. Xuxi's mouth dropped from being called old again.

"Oh my god, am I really that old? I mean you said it so must be true." The woman frowned at the boy and rubbed his back.

"Fine, fine. He can stay." Chenle felt bad for making Xuxi question his age. Xuxi smiled at Chenle and the others.

"Great! Are any of you staying for dinner? Besides Renjun." Xuxi nodded and Yangyang was about to say yes but Hendery squeezed his hand and stopped him from talking.

"We can't. We have to be home for dinner tonight. Maybe another day." The boys went back to Chee's for the next three hours to watch TV, play video games and talk about nothing in particular. When Chenle's mother called for dinner, Hendery and Yangyang took their leave and went back to the apartment they resided in.

"Oh, look who came home." Dejun said from the couch. He was reading a book with his glasses just barely on the bridge of his nose and his legs were propped up on the coffee table.

"Yeah, Chenle talks a lot and Xuxi ended up being there too." Dejun nodded slowly and placed his bookmark in the book.

"Did you cook?" Yangyang asked as he sat in the oldest's lap. Dejun nodded and carried Yangyang to the table.

"That's gay."

"Kunhang, why must you do this every time?"

"Dejun, why must you act so proper all the time?"

"He got you there." Yangyang pointed out. Dejun tolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Reformation is nice."

"Uwu, sure."

"I cooked. Let's eat." Dejun put Yangyang in a seat then sat in the one at the end of the table with Hendery on his other side.

He had cooked nothing big or special, just some Peking chicken and fried rice. They are and bathed, Hendery tried to shower with Dejun but got plucked instead so his nose was a red colour, then they got ready for bed, this time it was Yangyang who crawled into Dejun's bed and didn't move when he was told to so he was left unbothered but Dejun's loud and obnoxious groan could be heard when Hendery complained about how cold his bed was in order to join them, which might I add, worked.

Now the three of them were laying in Dejun's queen sized bed. Yangyang was laying on Hendery's chest and Hendery had managed to get his head on Dejun's shoulder.

"What're we doing tomorrow?" Yangyang asked.

"I don't know."

"How about a date? All three of us." Dejun suggests. Both of his boyfriends' eyes land on him. He never suggested dates.

"I can be cringey and romantic if I want to don't look at me like that." Hendery laughed at the response.

"Sounds fun. Where to?"

"That's what we figure out tomorrow." Dejun says.

"And he's back." Yangyang rolls his eyes playfully.

"Stop bullying- oh fuck me."

"OH MY GOD HE USED A JOKE!" Yangyang screamed. Yelled? It all sounds the same.

"You guys are the worst."

"But you date us both?"

"Kunhang, go away. Yangyang, I don't know just stop yelling. It's eleven at night."

"Shaking my head." Hendery shook his head then got plucked because his hair was tickling Dejun's neck.

"Ew, you said it out loud. Disgusting." Yangyang grimaced.

"Goodnight. I love you both."

"Goodnight, Dejun and Kunhang. I love you."

"Goodnight losers. Love you too."

"Jesus, it was so sentimental asshole."

"Dejun, we said out good nights and love yous. Sleep is after." Hendery smirked when a Dejun groaned and didn't say anything else. When you think about it, three really isn't a crowd.

yeehaw mistakes are probably there i just finished it and didn't edit. ill do a whole book edit when i finish the entire story. i was right too wayv debuted right after i said it uwuwuwuwu. ard kids. byeeeeee.

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